Vacation 2012 Summer: New England and Mid-Atlantic

Click any of the below places/topics to view the associated pictures.

Click here to get a general description of the trip

NOTE:  - hover the mouse pointer over a picture to see its caption, the # at the end is the picture reference #
If caption does not appear, first hover over the blank space between two photos then move the mouse down over photo

   President Franklin Pierce Homes in NH

   Massachusetts State Capitol

   Newport RI

   Rhode Island State Capitol
   Providence RI

   Mystic Seaport

   Connecticut State Capitol

   Yale University

   Silver Sand State Park

   Yankee Stadium (new version)


   Princeton University
   President Cleveland Home

   State Capitol at Trenton NJ

   Benjamin Franklin Grave


   State Capitol at Dover DE

   State Capitol at Annapolis MD

   Baltimore Sites

   President Wilson home in Washington D.C.

   Mt. Vernon: Home of George Washington
