Vacation 2012 Summer - President Washington Mt. Vernon

President George Washington's beloved home of Mt. Vernon

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Statues of the young Washington family #1 of 2 (#2168)

Statues of the young Washington family #2 of 2 (#2169)

The Mt. Vernon home #1 of 6 (#2170)

The Mt. Vernon home #2 of 6 (#2171)

The Mt. Vernon home #3 of 6 (#2172)

The Mt. Vernon home #4 of 6 (#2173)

The Mt. Vernon home #5 of 6 (#2174)

The Mt. Vernon home #6 of 6 (#2175)

Some Mt. Vernon visitors (#2176)

Storehouse barrels (#2177)

The Necessary (aka. privy) (#2178)

Vegetable/fruit garden #1 of 3 (#2179)

Vegetable/fruit garden #2 of 3 (#2180)

Vegetable/fruit garden #3 of 3 (#2181)

Graves of the Washington family #1 of 2 (#2182)

Graves of the Washington family #2 of 2 (#2183)

Mt. Vernon food court #1 of 2 (#2184)

Mt. Vernon food court #2 of 2 (#2185)

Notation of President Kennedy at Mt. Vernon (#2186)