Annapolis is the home of the U.S. Naval Academy and the capital of Maryland. It is another one of those nice, well-kept small state capitals.

While trying to get to a McDonalds or Wendy's (morning orange juice), I saw the Naval Academy from a bridge (and tried to snap a couple of photos that did not turn out so well). By the time I got to the location of where the GPS said it was, I was at one entry gate to the academy. The young cadet on duty asks for my ID and asked where I was headed to within the Academy. I had to sheepishly say I was looking for McDonalds. She immediately says "Oh, you must be using GPS. That McDonalds is no longer here. Try the one at (such-and-such address)". So she let me do a U-turn around the entry shack and go on my way. No arrests today. And, apparently the Navy made McDonalds move.