Name Info

Thomas King ?-1644

Citizenship....US born




Spouse(s) and Children
  1. Marriage: ?
  2. Spouse: MARY BARNARD, female, born:1610 ?England, died:1654-12-07 (44y 11m 6d) ?Lexington, Middlesex county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, #Cmnts:1, #SrcDocs:7

: 1644-12-03, Waterton, Middlesex county, Massachusetts
: ?
: ?, Role:groom

Places In
Waterton, Middlesex county, Massachusetts




0006: Italy, Israel - Roman emperor Augustus deposes Herod Archelaus because of how Herod treats the Jews
0009: China - Wang Mang founds the Hsin Dynasty and Its reforms
0009: Germany, Italy - German army led by Ariminus destroys three Roman Legions commanded by Quinctilius Varnus at Teutoburg Forest
0014: Italy - Augustus dies, Tiberius succeeds him as Roman Emperor
0025: China - Wang Mang dies, Han Dynasty begins, Buddhism Introduced to China
0030: Italy, Israel - Romans in Jerusalem put Jesus Christ to death on April 7th
0041: Italy - Roman emperor Caligula, successor of Tiberius, assassinated
0051: Italy, Wales - Romans commanded by Ostorius Scaopula defeats Wales army commanded by Carctacus
0054: Italy - Nero succeeds father Claudius who was murdered, possibly by his wife Agrippina using poisoned mushrooms
0064: Italy - Rome nearly destroyed by fire, possibly started by Nero
0066: Italy, Israel - Jews rebel against Romans and the Jerusalem fortress of Antonia
0068: Italy - Nero forced to commit suicide, the Year of the Four Emperors begins among civil war: Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian.
0070: Italy - Jerusalem falls to a large army commanded by Titus Flavius Vespasian the Roman Emperor
0073: Italy, Israel - Fortress of Masada in the Judean Desert falls to Romans
0078: China - Kanishkam establishes Kushan Dynasty in China, the empire extends from Benares and Kabul to the Vindhayas with the capital at Peshawar
0079: Italy - Mount Vesuvius erupts, destroys the Roman cities of PompeII and Herculaneum, twenty thousand perish
0080: Italy - Titus, son of Vespasian, dedicates the Colosseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre
0089: Italy - Domitian, brother of Titus, begins this reign of terror with heavy taxes
0096-0180: Italy - Five Good Emperors begins, starting with Marcus Nerva, bringing peace and tranquility along with large civil projects, other four emperors were Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius
0096: Italy - Domitian assassinated
0122: England - Hadrian Wall built across northern England for defensive purposes, to keep out the Picts of Scotland, the wall averages nine feet in thickness, eighteen feet in height and is 73 and a half miles long
0132: China - Chinese poet and Inventor Chang Heng Invents the seismograph, It was a series of balls that fall for tremors
0132: Italy, Israel - Jews revolt, led by Simon Bar Kochba and Rabbi Eleazar after the Romans built a temple to Jupiter on the site of the Jewish Temple
0167: Italy, Germany - Marcus Aurelius repulses a German Invasion of northern Italy (crossing the Danube River)
0180: Italy - Marcus Aurelius dies, succeeded by son Commodus
0184: China - China peasants revolt of the Yellow Turbans, ending the Han dynasty
0200: Italy - Septimius Severus becomes Roman Emperor
0212: Italy - Caracalla, son of Septimus Severus who succeeded him after killing his brother, Issues the Constitio Antoniniana
0220: China - Series of six Chinese Dynasties, three Kingdoms, begins as Tsao Pei assumes power and founds the Wei Dynasty
0224: Iran - Battle of Hormizdagan, Ardashir, Shah of Persia, defeats Parthian king Artabanus V, Sassanid Empire begins
0235: Italy, Germany - Roman Emperor Alexander Severus killed by his army after an Indecisive campaign against Germanic tribes. Maximinus becomes emperor in a series of 22 emperors over the next fifty years of civil war in which twenty of the emperors have violent deaths
0259: France, Germany - Marcus Postumus defends Gaul (France and parts of some surrounding countries) as German tribes take over more Roman territory, Marcus starts a separate Gallic Empire
0274: Italy, France, Germany - Battle at Chalons, Roman Emperor Lucius Domitius Aurelian defeats Gallic Emperor Pius Tetricus I of the Gallic Empire, thus ending the Independent Gallic empire as It is brought back into the Roman Empire
0284-0305: Italy - Diocletian becomes Roman Emperor, begins reforms that reinvigorates the empire
0287: Italy, England - Aurelius Carausius, Roman naval commander in the English Channel, declares Independence of the kingdom of Britain
0296: Iran, Italy - Battle Of Carrhae, Sassanid dynasty of Persia defeats Roman Emperor Galerius, this was the same site that over seventy years earlier the Romans was also defeated
0296: Italy, England - Constantius Chlorus defeats Allectus, who had killed Marcus Aurelius Carausius, and brings Britain back into the Roman Empire as four provinces
0303: Italy - Galerius the Roman Augustus convinces Diocletian to persecute Christians in an attempt to halt the growth of the religion
0317: China - Tatar (or Tartars) warriors scale the Great Wall from the north
0320: India - Chandragupta I founds Indian Gupta Empire, his successor, Samudragupta, extends the empire to all of northern India
0324: Italy, Turkey - Battle Of Adrianople (present-day Turkey), Constantine the Great defeats all rivals to become the Roman Emperor
0325: Iran - Persian, led by Shapur II, repels Invasion into Persia Arabs from Baharian and Mesopotamia
0330: Turkey - Constantine the Great makes Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) his Byzantium capital
0337: Turkey - Constantine the Great dies, his empire divided by his sons
0351: Italy - Battle at Mursa (Croatia) reunites the Roman Empire as Constantius defeats Magnentius
0361-0363: Italy, France - Battle Of Argentoratum, Roman general Julian drives Franks from Gaul, Julian eventually becomes the next Roman Emperor
0376: Germany - Nomadic Mongol Huns defeat the Ostrogoth Empire which had dominated Eastern Europe for two centuries
0378: Italy - Visigoths kill Roman Emperor Valens after they were driven out by the Huns then were mistreated by Roman officials
0395: Italy - Roman Emperor Theodosius dies, empire permanently split as his sons Arcadius and Honorius rule the East and West portions, respectively
0400: Iran - Persians use windmills
0407: Italy, England - Romans withdraw from Britain for the last time
0410: Italy - Rome sacked by Visigoths, commanded by Alaric, after a series of battles over ten years
0439: Tunisia - Vandals commanded by Genseric capture Carthage which becomes his capital
0441: England - First Saxon Revolt led by brothers Hengst and Horsa against native Britons
0451: Italy, France, Germany - Battle At Chalons (also call the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains, in France), Pius Tetricus, successor of Marcus Postumus as Roman Emperor, along with his general Flavius Aetiusand, and their ally Theodoric I, king of the Visigoths, defeat Attila the Hun (whose empire was everything north of the Danube River and east of the Rhine River and east nearly to the Caspian Sea), Attila went on to Invade Italy but was convinced to withdraw by Pope Leo, Attila died two years later
0455: England - Battle of Aylesford in Kent, Saxons defeat Britons, an Important step in the Saxon conquest of Britain
0455: England - Vandals sack Rome after the assassination of the Western Roman Emperor Valentinian III
0476: Germany, Italy - Western Roman Empire ends when Emperor Romulus Augustulus deposed by German mercenaries at Ravenna, the Roman Empire lasted twelve centuries from Its founding
0483: Afghanistan, Iran - Ephthalites (Afghanistan) defeat Firuz, the Shah of Iran after a series of skirmishes
0486: France - Roman occupation of Gaul ends when the last Roman emperor of France is defeated by Clovis I, King of the Salian Franks who establishes the Kingdom of the Franks
0488: Italy - Theodoric I the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, Invades and conquers northern Italy at the request of Byzantine Emperor Zeno, then Theodoric establishes the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy
0500: England - Arthur defeats the Saxons at Mound Badon in Dorset in southern England, slowing the Saxon conquest of England
0500: Sweden - Svealand, the First Swedish state, is founded, the Goths Inhabited the Southern part of the Swedish peninsula
0503-0557: Iran - Eastern Roman Wars, three successive wars, define borders set between the two empires, Christian worship protected in the Persian Empire, and, trade and diplomatic relations determined
0507: France, Spain - Battle of Vouille, Franks king Clovis defeats Visigoths under Alaric II, the Visigoths retreat to Spain
0532: Turkey - Nika Revolt occurs in Constantinople against Justinian, nearly destroying Constantinople by fire, Belisarius cruelly ends the revolt killing thousands
0537: Turkey - Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople completed, It has a large domed basilica and represents the culmination of Byzantine architecture
0552: Turkey, Italy - Battle at Taginae, Byzantine army defeats the Ostrogoths using a combination of pikes and bows, paves the way for the complete Roman reconquest of the Italian Peninsula
0558-0650: Turkey - The Avars, a Turkish Mongolian group, forms an Empire that extends from the Volga to the Hungarian plains, in 626 A.D. they attack Constantinople but were repelled
0565: Turkey - Justinian Great, leader of the Byzantine Empire, dies, ending a 38-year reign, he had expanded his empire to Include all of North Africa and parts of the Middle East as well as Italy and Greece, the first comprehensive compilation of Roman Law was published during his rule
0572: Spain - Visigoth king Leovigild extends the Visigoth dominance to all parts of the Iberian Pennisular
0577: England - Battle At Deorham (southwestern England), Saxons defeat Welsh, completing Saxon conquest of England
0581: China - Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty reunites China after nearly four centuries of Internal divisions and strife
0598: Italy - Pope Greogory the Great, first monk to become Pope, arranges a thiry year truce with the Lombards
0600: Cambodia - Cambodian Kingdom of Chenla takes over the Kingdom of Funan
0604: Japan - Japanese reforms by Shotoku, son of Empress Suiko, calls for a strong central government based on the Chinese model
0610-0613: Saudi Arabia - Muhammad begins to get visions from an angel and records them in the Quran
0618: China - Li Yuan and his son Li Shih-min found Tang Dynasty with a basic administrative organization that would guide China until the Twentieth century
0622: Saudi Arabia - Mecca town elders force Muhammad to flee to Medina, is flight became known as the Hegira
0627: Turkey, Ira - Battle Of Nineveh, Byzantine Emperor Heraclius defeats the Sassanid Empire army led by Khosrau II, the victory prevented further Persian attacks
0630: Saudi Arabia - Mecca falls to Medina after Mecca refuses to allow pilgrimages there by the followers of Muhammad, Mecca being the holy city for Islam founded by Muhammad
0632: Saudi Arabia - Muhammad dies, Abu Bakr becomes the First Islamic Caliphate, or, agent of the prophet and brings rebellious Arab tribes under control
0634: Saudi Arabia - Abu Bakr dies, Omar I succeeds him and is given the name "sword of God" for his many military exploits in expanding Muslim rule. his first target is Syria
0635-0642: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Egypt - Omar I defeats the Persians, the Arabs begin a series of campaigns against the Persian Empire, they first lose to the Persians at the Battle of the Bridge, only to defeat the Persians in 635 at Tel Buwayb, Omar wins a series of battles starting with the Battle of Nehawand in central Persia completing his conquest of the Persian Empire in 642.
0637: Saudi Arabia, Turkey - Battle of Yarmuk, Omar I defeats the Byzantines then goes on to take several cities Including Jerusalem, Damascus, Emessa, Ceasaria and Aleppo
0639: France - Dagobert, the last strong king of the Frankish Kingdom, dies thus begins a period of feudal decentralization
0642: Saudi Arabia, Egypt - Arabs under the command of Amir Ibn al-As conquer Egypt under terms arranged by Cyrus, Patriarch of Alexandria, which guaranteed security for people and property, as well as freedom of religion, all this was to be obtained in return for the payment of tribute
0644: Saudi Arabia - Persian slave assassinates Omar I in a mosque of Medina, he succeeded by Othman from the Omayyad clan
0656: Saudi Arabia - Battle of the Camels, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, nephew of Muhammad, succeeds Othman who was assassinated in Medinam, puts down a rebellion started by Aisha, widow of Muhammmad
0660: Korea - Kingdom of Silla (Korea) conquers the Paekchke Kingdom and the Koguryu Kingdom thus uniting the Korean Peninsula
0661: Saudi Arabia - Muawiya, who founded the Omayyad caliphate, succeeds Ali Ibn Abi Talib who was assassinated in a mosque in Kufah by a former supporter who became a Kharajite critic of Ali. Ali was succeeded by .
0673-0678: Saudi Arabia, Turkey - Arabs attempt to capture Constantinople but fail due to both the strength of the city walls and a new Invention, The Greek Fire, which caused havoc among the Arab fleet, a thirty-year peace treaty was negotiated
0680-1018: Bulgaria - First Bulgarian Empire starts when the Bulgars defeat the Byzantines and occupy the area between the Danube and the Balkan Mountains
0680: Iraq - Battle Of Karbala, after Caliph Muawiya dies in Damascus, his son Yazid succeeds him but is contested by the Kufans who want Al-Husain (Husayn Ibn Ali,), son of Ali, to be the new caliph but Al-Husain is killed, becoming a martyr for ShIIte Muslims
0685: Iraq - Malik I (Abd-al-Malik Ibn Rarawn) becomes the new caliph, ending decades of regional strife, Instituting a postal service and replacing the Roman and Greek coins used in the empire with Arabian coins
0700: China - Chinese Invent gunpowder by combining saltpeter, sulphur and carbon, the Chinese primarily use gunpowder for fireworks
0700: Indonesia - Srivijaya Empire (Indonesia) becomes the leading power in Indonesia, It originated in southern Sumatra and controlled commercial trade routes through the Islands.
0705: China - Wu Hou becomes Empress Of China, she is the first woman to rule China and during her reign strengthens the Tang Dynasty
0705: Iraq, India, Spain - Walid I succeeds Malik I, the Omayyad Caliphate reaches India in the East and Spain in the west, many Important structures are completed under his stewardship Including the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem
0707: Yemen, Tangiers - Muslims under the command of Musa Ibn-Nusayr (Musa bin Nusair) conquer Tangiers, he was the first Muslim general to occupy Tangiers
0711: France - Charlemagne becomes the Frankish ruler in the east upon the death of his brother Caroman I, Charlemagne expands his empire to all of Germany and maintains very close ties to the Pope, thus Increasing church Influence
0711: Tangiers, Spain - Battle of Wadi Bekka, Islamic army conquers Spain when Tariq, a Muslim general, crosses the Straits of Gibraltar and defeat Roderick, the last King of the Visigoths, then the Muslims advance to the Pyrenees by 718 A.D.
0718: Spain - Pelayo founds Kingdom Of Asturias by defeating the Muslims at Covadonga in northwest Spain
0730: Iran, Iraq - Battle of Ardabil, Khazar under Barjik defeat Arabs and kill a major Arab general named Jarrah, the Khazars then conquer Azerbaijan and Armenia and northern Iraq for a brief time
0732: France - Battle Of Tours, Franks under Charles Martel defeat a Muslim expedition led by Adb-el-Rahman across the Pyrenees, this marks the furthest Incursion of Muslim forces into Europe
0749: Iraq - Battle of the Zab River, the Omayyad Caliphate is overthrown when Abu Al-Abbas, the great-grandson of uncle of Muhammad, takes the public oath as leader of the Abbasids, the Omayyads are then defeated by the Abbasids, most members of the Ommayad clan are murdered by the Abbasids, the Abbasids Empire exists for over five centuries
0754: France - Pope Stephen II sanctifies Pepin the Short as the Frank king and as a king of the Frankish Church, Pepin founded the Carolingian Dynasty
0754: Iraq - Al Mansur becomes ruler after the death of Abu al-Abbas and swiftly eliminates all threats to his rule and extends the power of the Abbasid Caliphate
0775-0785: Oraq - Al-Mahdi rules the Abbasid Caliphate for ten notable years by Improving communications within the empire, founding schools and towns, and encouraging the arts
0780-0809: Iraq - Harun Al Rashid heads the Abbasid Caliphate, during his reign the caliphate reaches the height of Its power, his court in Baghdad is the center of a rich world of artists, poets and musicians
0794: Japan - Kyoto period begins when the Emperor moves the capital to a site near present-day Kyoto, the period lasted until 1185
0800: France - Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne as Emperor Of The West on Christmas Day, the coronation is an Irrevocable breach between Constantinople and Rome
0801: France, Spain - Charlemagne captures Barcelona, Spain
0802: Cambodia - Jayavarman II establishes his capital at Angkor in Cambodia and eventually unites the country Indepent from Java
0813-0833: Iraq - Mamun the Great directs the most glorious period for The Caliphate, a house of knowledge is set up in Baghdad, Greek and Roman works are translated into Arabic
0820: Iraq - Arabic scholar al-Khwarizmi Invents algebra, he derives his works from Hindu works and earlier works
0825: England - Ecgbert III, King of Wessex, defeats Mercian army at Ellandum, near Swindon, in Britain, Ecgbert takes control of Kent, Sussex, Essex and Surrey
0835: Denmark, England - Danish Vikings attack the Isle of Sheppey in eastern England
0840: Sweden, Ireland - Viking settlers establish Dublin, Ireland
0843: France - Treaty Of Verdun divides the Franks kingdom of Carolingian into three parts, Louis II rules east of the Rhine, Lothair I rules northern Italy, part of France and Belgium, and, Charles II the Bald rules the west (including most of France)
0844: Spain, Sweden - Viking raid on Seville, Spain, is repulsed
0845: China - Chinese Taoist Wu Tsung persecutes Buddhists and other religions
0845: Denmark, France - Danish Viking leader Ragnar Lodgrok (Hairy Breeches) takes his fleet up the Seine and besieges Paris
0850: Denmark - Danish Viking raiders winter in Kent for the first time, as Vikings begin transition from sea raiding to colonizing
0851: Denmark, Englankd - Danish Viking sack London and Canterbury but are evntually defeated at Ockley by the West Saxons king
0856: Ireland - Ivarr the Boneless (son of Ragnar Lodgrok) ascends to throne of Dublin
0860: Turkey - Khazar kings convert to Judaism
0862: Sweden, Russia - Viking chieftain Rurik his band called Varangians raid northern Russia after being Invited to Novogrod to bring order to the area, this begins Imperial Russia
0865: Denmark, England - Danish Vikings Halfdan and Ivarr the Boneless and a large force Invade East Anglia with the Intent of staying
0866-1160: Japan - Fujiwara Mototsune becomes the first civilian dictator of Japan, much classic Japanese literature and art are produced dring his reign
0866: England - According to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, "a great heathen army came to the land of the East Angles, and there was the army a-horse"
0867: Denmark, England - Ivarr the Boneless besieges and captures York and destroys the Northumbrians, forever ending dominance by northern England in British affairs, Danish Viking kingdom established in York
0867: Greece, Turkey - Macedonian Basil has his co-emperor Michael III murdered to become the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire, thus begins the Byzantine Golden Age
0869: Denmark, England - Ivarr the Boneless captures East Anglian King Edmund, and has him ritually sacrificed
0871: England, Denmark - Battle of Ashdown, Wessex King AEthelraed I and his brother Alfred vanquish the Danish army, killing the Danish king and leaving the Berkshire hills strewn with Danish corpses, later, King AEthelraed dies and Alfred accedes to the Wessex throne
0872: Denmark, Norway - Ivarr dies of natural causes in Dublin, Harald I gains control of Norway, Danes pull back from Wessex and Invade Mercia, occupying London
0872: Norway - Harold I deposes many chieftains to unify Norway
0873: Denmark - Danes occupy all of Mercia, Saxon King flees to Rome, where he dies
0874: Sweden, Iceland - Vikings settle Iceland
0875: England, Denmark - West Saxons pay Danegeld to stave off Danish Invasion
0876: Denmark, England - Danish King of Dublin, Halfdan "White Shirt" Ragnarsson (2nd son of Ragnar Lodbrock) takes control of eastern half of Mercia, and settles Danes in Northumbria, York becomes a Viking town
0878: Denmark, England - Large Danish force from Gloucester under Guthrum defeats West Saxon army under Alfred, and occupies Wessex, Alfred flees to Isle of Athelney where, hiding in the marshes he bides his time, harassing the Danes and rebuilding his military strength, after seven weeks of guerilla warfare, Alfred leads his reconstructed army against the Danes, and vanquishes them at the Battle of Ethandum (Edington), capturing the Viking king Guthrum, Instead of killing him, Alfred baptises Guthrum and enters into peace
0878: England, Denmark - Battle of Edington in southern England, Alfred the Great defeats the Danes, Treaty of Wedmore (aka. Treaty of Chippenham) signed between Alfred and the Danes, dividing England into a north section and a south section, Alfred rules the south
0879: Sweden, Russia) - Swedish Viking King Rurik founds Kiev as the center of the domains of Kievan Rus (eastern Europe and western Asia)
0885: France, Denmark - Hundreds of Viking ships row up Seine with 40,000 men and lay siege to Paris for more than a year, but the siege fails
0886: England, Denmark - King Alfred recaptures London from the Danes, Alfred divides England with Danes under Danelaw pact
0892: Denmark, England - Armada of 250 Danish ships attack Britain
0900: Denmark - Vikings raid along Mediterranean coast
0907-0959: China - Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period begins, mostly limited to the Yellow River Basin of China, this period falls between the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty
0907: China - Northern Invaders of China end the Tang dynasty
0910: England, Denmark - Wessex King Edward (son of Alfred) launches an offensive to retake York from the Danes, Edward decisively defeats the Danes at Tettenhall, in Staffordshire
0911: Denmark, France - Treaty of St. Clair-sur-Epte establishes the Kingdom of Normandy with Rollo the Viking as the first ruler, he converts to Christianity
0911: Denmark, France - Viking King Gange-Rolf/Rollo is given land by the Franks (King Charles the Simple) and becomes the first Duke of Normandy
0912: France - The Normans become Christian
0917: England, Denmark - Danes in East Anglia defeated, and Saxons take back control of East Anglia, Danish-held Mercia falls to the combined efforts of Edward the Elder and his sister AEthelflaed
0918: England - AEthelflaed takes Derby in Mercia, but dies
0919: Denmark, England - Viking leader Ragnald retakes York, Ragnald is not a Dane but a Norwegian settler in Ireland, pushed out by Irish pressure
0927: England - Successor of Edward the Elder, AEthelstan (grandson of Alfred), conquers York, bringing all of Anglo-Saxon England under Wessex control
0928: England - King AEthelstan has 30 coin mints, and decrees there can be only one currency in Britain
0935: Korea - Wang Kon begins the Koryo Dynasty in Korea which establishes a strong central government as well as a civil service, this dynasty remains in power until 1392
0936: Ireland - Irish recapture Limerick from Scandanavian Invaders
0937: England, Denmark - Wessex King AEthelstan meets Celtic, Danish and Norweigan forces under Viking King of Dublin, Olaf Guthfrrthsson, at Brunanburgh, and defeats them, AEthelstan depicts himself on coinage as Rex totius Britanniae, establishes what has since been known as the kindgom of England
0941: Russia, Turkey - Rus Vikings attack Constantinople
0944: England, Norway - English King Edmund I the Elder expels Norse King Olaf from Northumbria
0945: Iran, Iraq - Ahmad Ibn Buwayh Caliph, a member of a Persian clan, enters Baghdad and declares himself as the new caliph, this begins the Buwayhid Dynasty that lasts for a hundred years
0948: Norway, England - Erik Bloodaxe retakes York for the Vikings
0954: England, Norway - Northumbrians rise against Erik Bloodaxe and kill him
0955: Germany, Hungary - Battle of Lechfeld, Otto I the Great defeats Arpad and the Magyars ending fifty years of Magyar raids on Western Europe
0959: England - Edgar the Peaceful becomes the first king of a united England
0960: China - Kao Tsu founds the Sung Dynasty, he eventually unites most of China, thus begins a period of modernization, progressiveness, and Interest in art, poetry and philosophy
0962-1187: Afghanistan, Iran - Subaktagin, a Turkish slave who converted to Islam, founds Ghaznavids Dynasty in present-day Afghanistan and expands his rule into Persia and northern India
0962: Germany - Pope John XII crowns Otto I the Great as Emperor Of Rome, he revives Western Roman Empire power
0981: Greenland - Viking Erik the Red discovers Greenland
0985: Greenland - Vikings settle Greenland
0989: Italy, France - Council of Charroux passes The Peace of God, It is supported by Hugh Capet, King of France, this is an attempt to reduce feudal warfare by limiting private wars to certain parts of the year and to provide protection for noncombatants, excommunication is the means of enforcement
0990: Ghana - Kingdom of Ghana capture Audaghost, the capital of the Saharan Berbers of Lemtuna
0991: England - Saxon King AEthelraed the Unready pays a Danegeld ransom of 10,000 pounds of silver to Induce Viking raiders to leave England without plundering
0994: Norway - King Olav Tryggvason I conquers Norway and declares at a Christian kingdom
1000: Canada - Viking Leif Eriksson, son of Erik the Red, explores the coast of Vinland (Canada)
1002: England, Denmark - On St. Brices Day, by order of King AEthelraed, Danes are massacred around Britain
1002: Ireland - Brian Boruma wins military victory and becomes High King of Ireland
1012: England - Thorkel the Tall works for King AEthelraed, protecting London from Sven Tveskagg/Forkbeard
1013: Denmark - AEthelraed battles Danish Viking leader Knut den store/Great (Canute) son of Sven Tveskagg/Forkbeard, Knut is victorious, AEthelraed flees to Normandy
1014: Ireland, Denmark - Brian Boruma defeats Danes at Clontarf, and captures Dublin, Brian is murdered on the day of battle
1014: Turkey, Bulgaria - Battle of Kleidion (Cimbalugu), Byzantine Emperor Basil II crushes the Bulgarian army, blinds over twenty four thousand captives
1016: England, Denmark - King of England Ethelred II dies, succeeded by Edmund II but Danish Canute II is chosen by the Witan (advisory council to the King), Canute defeats Edmund at Ashington thus becoming king of all of England
1016: England - Knut defeats Edmund II Ironside and becomes King of England
1017: France - Knut marries Emma of Normandy (widow of AEthelraed the Unready) and becomes Christian
1025: Poland - Poland gains Independence from the Holy Roman Empire when Boleslav I is crowned the first Polish King at Gniezno, Poland quickly emerges as one of most powerful nations in Europe
1027: France - Arlette, daughter of a tanner, gives birth to the Illegitimate son of Robert, Duke of Normandy (France), a boy named William, Knut makes pilgrimage to Rome for coronation of Emperor Conrad II
1028: France, Norway - Knut conquers Norway
1031: Spain - Hisham III dies and the Ommiad Caliphate of Spain dissolves after thirty years of anarchy, Spain divides into a number of small Muslim states
1034: Turkey - Byzantine Empress Zoe poisons her husband, Romanus III, she marries Michael IV of Paphiagonia, they reign together until 1041
1035: England - Knut dies at Shaftsbury, England, and is buried at Winchester Cathedral, London, his half-English son Harald rules as regent for the minor brother of Knut, Harthacnut, until Harald dies in 1040
1042: England, France - Harthacnut dies, and throne reverts to Wessex dynasty, with Edward (son of AEthelraed the Unready and Emma of Normandy), who rules until 1066 as Edward the Confessor
1047: England - William of Normandy, age 20, with the assistance of French King Henry, defeats nobles attempting to usurp the claim by William to Normandy, in the cavalry battle of Val-es-Dunes
1050: France - Oslo, Norway founded
1053: Norway - Norman warrior Humphrey defeats forces of Pope Leo IX
1055: Turkey, Iraq - Seljuk Turks, under the command of Togrul, capture Baghdad, ousting the Persian Buwayhid Dynasty, the Abbasides see the Seljuks as liberators, the new dynasty expands under Malik Shah and threatens the Byzantine Empire
1057: Burma - Anawratha, the Burmese king of Paga, conquers the Mon Kingdom of Thaton, uniting for the first time all of Burma
1057: Norway - Norwegian King Harald III Hardrada begins to debase silver currency of Norway by mixing in copper
1064: England, France - Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, is shipwrecked on the French coast, and is held for ransom by the Count of Ponthieu, Duke William of Normandy procures his release, Harold takes oath that William will become king of England and Harold will be Earl of Essex, upon the death of English King Edward the Confessor
1066: England, Norway - King Harold defeats Invasion of his half-brother Tostig and Harold III Hardrada of Norway at Stamford Bridge, near York, England, Hardrada is killed, Harold then learns that "William the Bastard" has landed at Pevensey
1066: England - Edward the Confessor dies, leaving no Saxon heir to the English throne, Harold Godwinson is coronated at Westminster Abbey, coinciding with the appearance of Halleys Comet
1066: England - William the Conquerer begins building the Tower of London, It still stands today
1066: France, England - William of Normandy, in league with Normans from as far away as Spain and southern Italy, defeats English King Harold at Hastings, ending Anglo-Saxon rule of England, William of Normandy becomes William I of England, at Westminster Abbey, on December 25, 1066 England and Normandy are united into one kingdom for almost 150 years, until 1204, William orders construction of castles in all major cities and towns of England
1071: Turkey - Battle of Manzikiert, Seljuk Turks under Sultan Alp Arslan defeat Byzantines under Emperor Romanus IV, some attribute the defeat to the mutiny of a large force of Cuman Turks serving with the Byzantine forces right before the battle, in conjunction with the retreat of the Byzantine Reserve
1074: Italy - Pope Gregory II sends letter exhorting a crusade to the middle east, due to the Investiture Controversy with the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, and the expansion of Norman power in southern Italy under Robert Guiscard, the Crusade did not begin
1076: Morroco, Burma - Berber Almoravids conquer the Kingdom of Ghana, sacking the capital Kumbi Saleh
1085: Spain, Morroco - Alfonso VI, the Christian King of Leon and Castile, takes Toledo from the Almoravids and makes It his capital
1090: Iran - Hasan Ibn al-Sabbah acquires mountain fortress of Alamut (northern Iran), takes title of Sheikh al-Jabal and founds the Empire of Assassins
1094: Spain - Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar known as El Cid, captures the Moorish kingdom of Valencia and has the Cadi Ibn Djahaff burned alive
1095-1099: Turkey - First Crusades (of nine) begins with a call By Alexius I for assistance from other Christian states against the Seljuk Turks, Alexius also decries Muslim control of the Holy Land, the early Crusaders (the Peoples Crusade) were poorer knights and peasants, who embarked without adequate preparation, some participated in massacres against German Jews on the way, without the approval of the Catholic Church, when they arrived in Asia Minor, they were annihalated by the Turks, Frankish barons, led by a papal
1095-1272: Israel, Egypt, Turkey - Nine Crusades were launched by the Popes and mostly carried out by the French to drive the Islamics from the Holy Land. For the most part, the Crusades failed to achie their objective of driving out people of the Islam and Muslin faith. However, these wars basically set the tensions between East and West that last into the 21st Century. One positive affect of the Crusades is that the West learned of the advances of the East in science and medicine and brought this new knowledge to Europe.
1095: Turkey - Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos sends letter to Roman Catholic Pope Urban II, asking for assistance from the west against the Seljuk Turks, who had taken nearly all of Asia Minor, Byzantine delegates are permitted to address the Council of Piacenza, Pope Urban gives his approval to any nobles Inclined to respond, and proceeds to attend to church business in France, at the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban addresses a great crowd and urges all to go to the aid of the Greeks and to recover Palestine from th
1097: Turkey - Crusaders capture city of Nicea, begin siege of Antioch
1098: Turkey - In June, Antioch falls to the Crusaders, Crusaders capture city of Edessa
1099: Israel - In July, Crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon capture Jerusalem and massacres Inhabitants, Jerusalem remains in Christian hands for 88 years, surprisingly, the taking of Jerusalem by the Christians did not have a big Impact on the Muslim world, and is barely mentioned in contemporary chronicles, some Crusaders complete their pilgrimage at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and return to Europe, others stay, and establish a kingdom known as "Outremer" (French for "across the sea")
1103: Norway, Ireland - Olavsson III Magnus, King of Norway, killed in Ireland
1106: France, England - Battle of Tinchebray in Normandy ends a war of succession in England, It began with the death of King William II August 2, 1100 and Henry I (Beauclerc) seized the throne then defeated his brother Robert II (Curthhose)
1113: Cambodia - Khmer Empire (Cambodia), established in 600 A.D., reaches Its peak under Suryavarman II who expands to Include most Vietnam
1125: Germany, France - Henry V, King of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, dies leading an expedition against the French Louis VI, Matilda, widow of Henry, returns to England to assume the throne but Stephen of Blois, nephew of Henry, eventually seizes power, thus starting a ten-year war of succession
1137: France - Eleanor of Guienne (Eleanor of Aquitaine) marries French King Louis VII, joining Aquitaine and France
1143: Portugal - Alfonso I becomes the first king of Portugal after the Treaty of Zamora gives Independence to Portugal
1144: Turkey, France - On Dec. 24, Muslim leader Zengi, leading a Jihad against the Christian Franks in the Holy Land, captures Edessa and destroys the oldest Crusader State
1147-1149: Iran - Louis VII, King of Spain and Conrad III, King of Germany, organize the Second Crusade (of nine) but It ended disastrously at Damascus due to a lack of leadership and control
1147: Morroco - Abd al-Mumin, leader of the Berber Muslim Almohad Dynasty, conquers Morrocco, bringing to an end the Almoravid Dynasty, five years later Algeria also comes under the control of the Almohads
1147: Russia - Russian City of Moscow founded
1152: France, England - Eleanor of Guienne marries Henry II Plantagenet, who becomes King of England in 1154, This begins a long struggle between France and England over Aquitaine
1152: France - Eleanor of Guienne divorces Louis VII of France at Beaugency
1154: France - In response to the fall of Edessa, Pope Eugene II sends letter to French King Louis VII, asking for the Second Crusade
1157: Sweden, Finland - Eric IX Jedvardsson, Christian King of Sweden, defeats the Finns and converts them to Christianity
1163: France - Notre Dame, one of the most notable gothic churches, begins construction, the church was conceived by Maurice de Sully, bishop of Paris
1168: England - School of Oxford founded, It later becomes an offshoot of the University of Paris
1170: England, France - Eleanor of Guienne, sick of Infidelities by her husband, Henry II, moves her residence to Poitiers, France
1171: Egypt - Saladin, ruler of Egypt, declares himself Caliph of the new Ayyubid Dynasty, ending the Fatima dynasty that ruled Egypt since 968
1171: England, Ireland - Henry II, King of England, Invades Ireland in response to a request from the deposed Irish King Dermot MacMurrough, the Treaty of Windsor recognizes Henry as the new Irish leader
1174: England, Scotland - Henry II, King of England, defeats William the Lion, King of Scotland, at Alnwick Castle in 1174, Henry becomes ruler of Scotland
1176: Italy - Lombard League defeats Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor at Legano as Frederick attempted to control northern Italy
1184: France - Streets in front of the Louvre become the first streets in Paris to be paved
1184: Japan - Battle of Uji River, Japan
1185: Japan - Battle of Dannoura, Minamoto clan of Yoritomo defeat the Japanese Tairo/Taira clan in a naval battle off Dannoura, the child emperor Antoku is killed in the battle, Yoritomo becomes the first shogun of Japan
1186: Turkey, Bulgaria - Revolutionaries oust the Byzantine rule of Bulgaria which leads to the Second Bulgarian Empire which lasts over 200 years
1187-1192: Cyprus, Israel - Beginning of the Third Crusade (of nine), led by King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England, King Philip Augustus II of France, and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa
1187: Israel - Battle Of Hittin, Saladin defeats the Christian forces from the Kingdom of Jerusalem who had attacked a caravan carrying his sister
1187: Israel - Saladin, Sultan of Egypt, defeats Third Crusader (of nine) Guy de Lusignan and his army at the Horns of Hattin, near the Sea of Gallilee, and captures Jerusalem from the Crusaders, within months, Saladin captures all Crusader territory except the seaport of Tyre
1190: Italy - King Philip and King Richard I set sail from Sicily to attack the Middle East, the fleet with Richard is scattered by fierce winds and is forced to seek shelter on Crete and Rhodes, three of his ships sink near the coast of Cyprus, Richard lands his crews and attacks the locals with archers and armored knights, the following day, Cypriot nobles sought audience and pledged allegience to the King of England, Richard thereafer used Cyprus as a supply bridge on the way to Jerusalem
1192: India - Afghan ruler Muhammad of Ghor defeats Prithvi Raj and captures Delhi, founding the Delhi Sultanate, first Moslem empire in India, which lasts until 1398
1192: Israel - Richard the Lionhearted leads the Third Crusade that captures the Acre fortress in the Holy Land and negotiates a truce with Saladin to ensure Christian access to holy sites in Jerusalem
1192: Israel - Saladin and the Crusaders enter into the Peace of Ramla, leaving the Crusaders with a strip of coastal territory
1194: Austria - King Richard I the Lionhearted, returning from Third Crusade, is captured by Austrian Emperor Henry VI, and is freed in 1194 only after payment of a huge ransom
1194: China - Yellow River in China drastically changes Its course from north to south of the Shantung Peninsula
1198: Italy - Innocent III elected as Roman Catholic Pope, Innocent promotes a Fourth Crusade, which is diverted by Venetian merchants and displaced Byzantine princes into an attack against the Byzantine emperor
1199: France - Richard The Lionhearted dies of an arrow wound while besieging Chalus in western France
1200: France - Phillip II, King of France, Issues a charter establishing the University of Paris which offers a traditional liberal education
1202-1204: Italy, Sicily - Henry, King of Sicily, requests a Fourth Crusade (of nine), Pope Innocent III Issues a call which is primarily answered by the French baronage who travel to Egypt by sea aided by the Venetians who request the Crusaders to capture the Christian city of Zara which Pope Innocent opposes so he excommunicates the Crusaders
1202: Denmark - Valdemar II assumes the Danish throne at the death of his brother, Valdemar expands the Danish Empire to Include northern Germany
1203: France - Philip Augustus expels English from Normandy and conquers the province
1204: Turkey - After a six month seige, Constantinople falls to Crusaders, who massacre the Inhabitants, in France, Chateau Gaillard (originally built by King Richard the Lionhearted) on the Seine River falls to besiegers who climb up the latrine shaft
1206: Mongolia - Temujin holds khuriltai and is proclaimed Genghis Khan, leader of all Mongols, and establishes the Mongolian capital at Karakorum, the empire Includes much of northern China (where he later founds the Yuan Dynasty) and Korea, he then turns his attentions to Persia
1212: Spain - Las Navas de Tolosa Battle, Christian Spanish King Alfonso VIII of Leon and Castile defeats the Muslim Almohades ending Muslim rule in Iberia
1213: China - Genghis Khan attacks Chin Empire of northern China
1215: England - English barons force King John I Lackland to sign the Magna Carta at Runnemede, It grants the rights of trial by jury and protection from arbitrary acts by the King, John later repudiates the Magna Charta, leading to the First Barons War (1215-1217)
1216: Italy - Roman Catholic Pope Innocent III Issues a call for the Fourth Crusade
1217-1221: Egypt - The Fifth Crusade (of nine) is directed against Egypt, on the theory that Jerusalem can be held only If Egypt is held, the Crusade fails
1217: England, France - Civil war divides England after King John dies, French prince Louise occupies part of England but is defeated at the Battle of Lincoln then lose their fleet at the naval Battle of Sandwich
1228-1229: Israel - Frederick II leads the Sixth Crusade (of nine) and gains control of Jerusalem through diplomatic means by signing a treaty with Malik al-Kamil, nephew of Saladin which gives Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth and a corridor to the port of Acre to Frederick who has himself crowned King of Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on March 18
1228: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols defeat Russian princes, but this being a reconnaisance mission, the victory is not consolidated
1229: Iran - Great Genghis Khan dies, his empire Included much of the Persian Empire and the Steppes of Russia, he is succeeded by his third son, Ogadai "the Great Khan" who subdued the Chin dynasty in northern China and ravaged much of eastern Europe
1229: Israel - Christians retake Jerusalem and hold onto It for ten years
1231: Mongolia, Korea - Mongols Invade Korea
1231: Sicliy - Frederick I Issues The Golden Bull of Sicily, It is a complete reorganization of Sicily Including a code of laws
1232: China - Chinese use rockets in battle for the first time, demonstrating the military use of gunpowder, thus, Its use quickly spreads to many other countries
1232: England - King of England Issues the Royal Charter for Coal Fields for the development of the coal fields in New Castle, coal quickly becomes a source of energy
1236: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols return to Russian, and in four year period subjugate the country
1236: Spain - Ferdinand III captured Cordoba from the Moors in Spain leaving only Granada in Moorish hands
1240: Mongolia, Russia - Mongol leader Batu Khan (son of Juchi, oldest son of Genghis Khan) razes Kiev, curtailing growth of Kievan Russia, and permitting Muscovite Russia to emerge as dominant force in Russian life
1240: Russia, Sweden - Alexander Nevsky, a Russian prince, repels the Swedes near St. Petersburg after Pope Gregory IX asked the Swedes to punish the Orthodox Russians for helping the Finns avoid conversion to Latin Catholicism
1241: Mongolia, Hungary - Mongols defeat Bela IV at Muhi, and occupy Hungary for a year
1243: Israel - Christians retake Jerusalem for one year
1244: Egypt, Israel - Muslim mercenaries under the direction of the Egyptian pasha Khwarzmi capture Jerusalem which starts the Sixth Crusade, Egypt controls Jerusalem until 1517 and It remained in Muslim hands until 1918
1248-1254: Egypt - Seventh Crusade (of nine), a failure, and Louis IX of France spent much of the crusade living at the court of the crusader kingdom in Acre, in the midst of this crusade was the first Shepherds Crusade in 1251
1250: Egypt - Battle of Fairskur, Egyptian forces led by the new Caliph, Turanshah, defeat the troops of the Seventh Crusade and capture Louis IX
1255: Mongolia, Iraq - Hulagu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) captures Bagdhad
1256: Mongolia, Iran - Generals of Hulagu Khan, after three year siege, destroy the castles of the Assassins and massacre the Persian Assassins
1256: Mongolia - Kublai Khan attains throne of Mongolian Empire
1258: England - English barons led by Simon de Montfor demand reforms to curtail the arbitrary powers of the king, they became known as the Provisions Of Oxford
1260: Egypt, Israel - Battle Of Ain Jalut, the Muslin Mamelukes (led by the ex-slave Baybars) and Julegu Khan stop the Mongols in Palestine, the Mongol general Ket Buqa is killed
1261: Turkey - Byzantines recapture Constantinople from Crusaders
1262: Norway, Iceland, Greenland - King Haakon IV of Norway annexes Iceland and Greenland to end a civil war in Iceland
1263: Scotland, Norway - Norsemen ejected from Scotland
1265: England - Edward I (Longshanks) defeats Barons at Evesham in the Barons War (1264-67)
1266: Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria - Venetians Niccolo Polo and brother Maffeo Polo make trade expedition to Constantinople, and then east to Bolgara and then Sarai, in the Kingdom of Barka Khan, after a year, their return blocked by war between Barka Khan and Hulagu Khan, the Polo brothers journey east to the capital Kaifeng and see Kublai Khan, three years later they returned to Venice
1267: China - Kublai Khan begins construction of new capital at Peking
1270-1270: Tunisia - French king Louis IX dies in Tunisia while on the Eighth Crusade (of nine), during his reign he Increased both the authority of the king and the judicial system
1271-1272: Egypt - Ninth Crusade (of nine), future Edward I of England undertook another expedition against Baibars/Baybars in 1271, after having accompanied Louis on the Eighth Crusade, the Ninth Crusade is a failure and ends the Crusades in the Middle East
1271: China - Kublai Khan formally creates the Yuan dynasty of China
1271: Italy, China - Marco Polo leaves for China with his father Niccolo, they arrive in the court of the Great Khan
1273: Italy - The last Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire dies and the Hapsburg Dynasty is established with the new Emperor Rudolf I of the Hapsburgs who five years later gain control over Austria, the Hapsburgs last until 1918
1274: Mongolia, Japan - Mongols unsuccessfully attempt to Invade Japan
1275: China - The Polos arrive at Cambuluc (Peking)
1279: Mongolia, China - Mongols under Kublai Khan defeat Sung dynasty of China
1280: China - Kublia Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, founds the Yuan dynasty in China and makes Peking his capital, he is the first non-Chinese to rule China, his empire stretches from China to Arabia to eastern Europe and is the largest the world has ever known
1281: Japan, China - The waiting Japanese troops repel a Chinese at Hakozaki Bay then a typhoon (Kamikaze or "Divine Wind") destroys the Mongol fleet of Kublia Khan
1282: Danish - nobility forced Eric V to sign a Danish "Magna Carta" which establishes a Danish parliament
1284: Italy - Republic of Genoa defeats the rival Italian city state of Pisa in a naval battle off Meloria
1286: Mongolia, China - Nayan, uncle of Kublai Khan, with 400,000 horsemen, meets Kublai Khan, with 260,000 cavalry and 100,000 Infantry, in battle, Kublai Khan is victorious, and Nayan is captured and executed
1291: Israel - Moslems expel Crusaders from the Middle East
1291: Switzerland - Three Swiss cantons, Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden form the League of the Three Forest Cantons for mutual defense, this League constitutes the basis for the ultimate establishment of the Swiss state
1293: Sweden, Finland - Eric IX (Jedvardsson), Christian King of Sweden, defeats the Finns and forces them to convert to Christianity
1294: Mongolia - Kublai Khan dies
1295: Iran, Italy - Khans of Persia convert to Islam, the Polos return to Venice
1296: Italy - Marco Polo, fighting for Venice, is captured by Genoa and Imprisoned for two years, where he dictates his travels to his fellow Inmate, Rustichello da Pisa, who Incorporates tales of his own as well as other collected anecdotes and current affairs from China, the book is called "The Travels of Marco Polo", It depicts the journey throughout Asia, giving Europeans their first comprehensive look into the Inner workings of the Far East, Including China, India, and Japan
1298: China - Chinese develop a cannon
1298: England - Battle of Falkirk, English under Edward I defeat the Scots who had rebelled under the leadership of William Wallace
1302: Belgium, France - Battle of the Spurs, Flemish army defeats French army near Courtrai, Belgium
1302: France - Philip IV of France calls together representatives of the nobility, townspeople and clergy, the meeting became known as the Estates-General, the purpose is to garner support against Pope Boniface whose 'Unam Sanctum' proclaims Papal supremacy over national leaders
1309: France - Pope Clement V, heavily Influenced by Philip IV of France, takes residency in Avignon, France (until 1378)
1314: Scotland, England - Battle Bannockburn (central Scotland), the Scots, led by Robert the Bruce, routes a larger force led by Edward II, King of England and gains Scottish Independence for the next three centuries
1315-1317: Europe - The Great Famine occurs, the worst famine to strike northern Europe, It started with bad weather which caused crop failures for the next two years, It took until 1322 to fully recover and millions died
1315: Switzerland, Austria - Battle of Morgarten, Swiss forces, led by the canton of Schwyz, defeat Leopold I (Hapsburg), Duke of Austria and leads to an expanded Swiss alliance
1324: Mali, Saudi Arabia - Ruler of Mali makes pilgrimage to Mecca
1326: France, England - England is Invaded by the French wife of King Edward II, Isabelle, she is supported by French troops and gains control of England as Edward II was forced to flee London, Isabelle arranges for her son Edward III to be crowned King of England
1326: Turkey - Ottoman Empire is established when the Byzantine fortress of Bursa fall after a nine-year siege to the forces of the Osmali Turks, under Osman who soon dies and is succeeded by his son Orkhan who rules until 1360
1337: England, France - Hundred Years War begins when French king Philip VI contests the English claim to Normandy and other northern provinces while at the same time, English king Edward III contests the legitimacy of Philip based on the fact that his mother was the daughter of Philip IV and demands the crown of France
1340: England, France - Battle Of Crecy, British forces under command Edward III defeat a French army commanded by Philip VI, It is the first use of cannon and small arms in a Eropean battle
1340: England, France - Battle of Sluis (off the coast of Flanders), the English navy destroys the French navy giving the English naval supremacy in the English Channel
1346: England, France - Edward III of England defeats Philip VI of France at Crecy en Ponthieu, English longbowmen so far eclipse Genoese crossbowmen that the long bow replaces the cross bow as an Instrument of war
1347-1353: Europe - The Black Death (aka. bubonic plague) spreads throughout Europe, It is the worse natural disaster in European history, an estimated 19 to 35 million die, the plague is spread by rats Infested by Infected fleas, the plague originated in the East and ships carrying Infected vermin came to the Island of Sicily then spread northward, a bizarre effect of the plague was the large-scale outbreak of anti-semitism from the belief that the Jews caused the plague
1348: Poland - Casimir III the King of Poland starts the University Of Kracow
1353: Switzerland - Switzerland is established as a unified country
1356: England, France - Battle in Poitiers, the French defeat Black Prince of Wales Edward, the French king, John II, and his son, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, are taken prisoners at Poitiers, John is brought to England which results in civil chaos in France
1360: England, France - Treaty of Calias, England and France sign a treaty on October 24th, John II of France is ransomed and Edward III renounces his claim to the French throne
1364: Uzbekistan - Timur (Tamerlane) captures Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
1368: China - Chu Yuan-chang, a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk who had become a rebel army leader, emerged as successor to Kublai Khan, founding the Ming dynasty, with a capital at Nanking
1369: Netherlands - Amsterdam joins Hanseatic League
1371: Turkey, Bulgaria - Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Maritsa River (Bulgaria)
1372-1375: England, France - Hundred Years War resumes when the French fleet defeats the British fleet off La Rochelle y France, the French are helped by a powerful fleet from Castile, the Truce of Bruges is signed on June 27, 1375 limiting British presence in France to Calia, Brest, Bordeaux and Bayonne
1381: England - The Peasants Revolt led by Wat Tyler create anarchy throughout England burning a number of public buildings and beheading the archbishop of Canterbury, King Richard puts down the riot and Tyler is killed
1381: Italy - War of Chioggia, Venetian fleet under Vittoria Pisano defeat the Genoans, It begins the golden age of Venice
1384: Uzbekistan - Timur captures Herat, Sistan, Rayy, and Il-Khanid (the capital of Sultaniyeh)
1385: Portugal - Battle of Aljubarrota (central Portugal), Portugese under King John I defeat the Crown of Castile under King John I and his allies, the victory makes Portugal an Independent country
1389: Turkey - Turkish army under Sultan Murad I defeats Serbs under Prince Lazar at Kossovo Field (meaning "field of the black birds"), bringing Turkish rule to the area which lasts until the Balkan War of 1913, just before the battle, a Serb posing as a deserter brought before Sultan Murad produces a dagger and stabs the Sultan to death, he is Immediately killed, as is Serb leader Lazar who is captured in the battle
1392: China - Yi Songgye, with the aid of the Ming rulers of China, seize the Korean throne from the Koryo dynasty, the Yi dynasty lasts until 1910
1395: Mongolia - Timur sacks Sarai Berke, ending central control of the Mongol Golden Horde
1396: Turkey, Hungary - Ottomans defeat Hungarians at Nicopol
1397: Sweden, Norway, Denmark - Magaret, Queen of Sweden, conquers Denmark and Norway then forms the Kalamar League, a union of all three countries
1398: Mongolia, India - Timur sacks Delhi, causing demise of the Delhi Sultinate, founded back in 1192
1400: Indonesia - Paramesvara founds the Kingdom of Malacca on the Malay peninsular (Indonesia), It soon becomes the leading maritime power in South East Asia
1400: Mongolia, Syria, Russia, Georgia, Iraq - Mongol conqueror Timur Invades Syria after devastating Georgia and Russia, the next year he lays waste to Aleppo, Damascus and Baghdad and the year after that e defeats the Ottoman sultan at the Battle of Angora
1402: Mongolia, Turkey - Timur captures Ottoman Turk Sultan Beyazid I at Angora
1405: Mongolia - Mongol leader Timur dies suddenly while preparing to attack Ming China, the Mongol Empire rapidly falls apart, Timur is buried at Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
1410: Poland, Germany - Battle of Tannenberg, Poles and Lithuanians defeat German Knights, the Peace of Thorn is signed but the Poles failed to gain access to the sea
1412: France - Joan of Arc born in Domremy, France
1415: England, France - Henry V of England defeats French army at Agincourt, Pas de Calais, France, 7,000 French killed, 500 English killed
1415: England - Battle of Agincourt, the English destroy the French, British archers under the command of Henry V were the key to victory, shattering the feudal system
1415: Portugal, Morroco - Portuguese explorer and prince, Henry the Navigator captures Ceuta (Morocco) from the Marind dynasty beginning Portuguese colonization of Africa
1420: China - Upon the death of the Ming emperor, the sSecond Ming Emperor moves the capital of China from Nanking to Peking
1420: England, France - Treaty of Troyes, France (under Philippe) signs a treaty with England (under Henry V) making Henry the king of both countries
1423: England, France, Scotland - Battle of Cravant, after a year of fighting, the English, under the command of John Plantagent, defeat the combined forces of France and Scotland
1424: England, Scotland - After being held in captivity since age 11, the English free James I King of Scotland age 29 after the Earl of Somerset pays 10,000 marks in ransom as a dowry for his daughter Jane, Jane and James are married and James is crowned King of Scotland
1424: France, Italy - Charles VIII King of France Invades Italy and forces Naples to surrender, then Alexander VI organizes the Holy League and forces Charles out of Italy
1428: England, France - War between France and England continues despite various agreements, in 1428 the English beseige Orleans and Joan of Arc, a young girl from Lorrain, is visited by Saint Michael saying that she will have visions and hear voices from God, that convince the French dauphin to provide her with a small army that liberates Orleans, this gives the French new confidence in their conflict with England
1431: France - Joan of Arc enters Comiegne outside Paris and is taken prisoner, held in a tower in Rouen and Charles VII makes no effort to assist her, in 1431 Joan is turned over to the former bishop of the of Beauvais Pierre Cauchon on the assurance she would be convicted of treason against God and is burned at the stake on May 30
1431: Thailand, Cambodia - The Thais capture Angkor, the capital of the Khmer, the Khmer Empire move their capital to the present site of the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh
1435: England, France - Duke Philip of Burgundy, weary of his alliance with the English, signs a peace treaty with Charles VI which recognizes Charles as the one king of France who in turn promises to punish the murders of Philip's father, however, the English do not accept the peace treaty and warfare continues. Charles and Philip fight together and liberate Paris, a truce between Britain and France lasts thirteen years
1438: Peru - Inca Dynasty in Peru (it lasts until 1553) begins, Its founder is said to have been Pachacutec who rapidly expands the empire
1439: Italy, Turkey - Treaty between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church
1444: Turkey - Battle of Varna, Murad the Ottoman sultan attacks on Its Belgrade but is repeled, encouraged by victory, the Christians, whose goal has been to drive the Ottomans from Europe, declare a new Crusade led by Hunyadi
1450: Germany - Johannes Gutenberg Invents the printing press which revolutionizes communication and education, allows the development of newspapers and reasonably priced books, the first product printed is the Guttenberg Bible
1453: England, France - Battle of Castillon, French king Charles VI becomes the first king to maintain a standing army and attempts to reclaim Normandy defeat the English led by Talbot thus ending the Hundred Years War when the English surrender last outpost in Aquitaine
1453: Turkey - The ten century old Byzantine Empire ends when Muhammad II of Turkey captures Constantinople by hauling seventy small ships across land along with cannon that breached the wall of Constantinople
1454: Italy - Treaty of Lodi ends hostilities between Venice, Milan and Florence, the treaty was reached due to the efforts of Pope Nicholas V
1455: England - War of the Roses begins, a civil war between the houses of Lancaster and York and is limited to English nobility, the first battle was the Battle of St. Albans which took place near London, the Yorkist defeat the Royalist forces
1456: Portugal, Cape Verde Islands - Alivse da Cadamosto, employed by Henry the Navigator, discovers the Cape Verde Islands off the African coast near Dakar, the Islands are soon settled by the Portuguese who began to use It for the slave trade
1460: England - Battle of Wakefield, Queen Margaret of Anjou defeats and kills Richard Duke of York
1461: England - Battle of Towton Moors, in the War of Roses, the Royalist who wore red roses to battle are defeated by the Yorkist wearing white roses, Edward is crowned Edward IV King of England
1462: Turkey - Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II defeats Vlad IV ("Vlad the Impaler") of Walachia
1471: England - Battle of Tewkesbury, in the War of the Roses, Edward IV marries Elizabeth Woodville and is soon ousted by Earl of Warwick so that King Henry can return, Warwick is killed in the Battle of Barnet and Henry was returned to prison and Immediately killed and Margaret, his wife, continues the struggle but at the Battle of Tewkesbury her son is killed and she is captured
1471: Vietnam - Le Thanh-ton begins the Kingdom of Annam by capturing Vijaya the capital of the Cham (Vietnam)
1472: Turkey - Ivan III the Great marries the neice of the last Byzantine Emperor, It Increases Ivans prestige and helps him unify the various Russian principalities
1475: England, France - Treaty of Picquinty England's Edward IV Invaded France in support of the Burgundians. Edward was bought off by a payment and the promise of an annual allowance by Louus XI under the terms of the Treaty of Picquinty
1477: France - Battle of Nancy, Swiss fighting for Louis XI, kill Charles the Bold, the last of the Burgundy claimants to the throne, ends the constant battles for the French crown
1479: Italy, Turkey - Venice loses naval war to Turkey, together with most of her territories along the Aegean Sea
1479: Portugal, Spain - Treaty of Alcacovas, Portugal abandons Its claim to the both Castillian throne and the Canary Islands, in turn, Spain recognizes Portuguese primacy in Azores Islands along with the north and west African coasts
1480: Russia - Ivan III of Moscow assumes position of Tsar of Russia
1480: Turkey, Italy - Treaty of Constantinople ends the fifteen year war between the Ottomans and Venice, Venice is forced to cede cities along the Albanian coast and pay for the right to trade in the Black Sea
1485: England - Battle of Bosworth Field, Henry Tudor defeats English King Richard III, and takes the English throne as Henry VII, ending the War of the Roses, this ends the Plantagenet line and establishes the House of Tudor, after the War of the Roses, English nobles were so weak that they could not challenge the strength of the Tudors, essentially ending feudalism in England
1485: Italy - Sandor Botticielli paints The Birth of Venus in Florence, his most famous work, he also Illustrates Dantes Divine Comedy and works on the Sistine Chapel
1486: England - Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York (granddaughter of Richard, Duke of York), uniting the English houses of York and Lancaster
1487: Portugal, South Africa - Portugese explorer Bartholomew Dias rounds South Africa after being blown off course and becomes the first European explorer to circle Southern Africa
1488: Morroco, Mali - African Kingdom of Mali falls to Moroccan Invaders
1491: Portugal, Angola - Portuguese explorers establish an embassy at Mbanza, the capital of the Bantu State (Angola), the Kongo ruler converts to Catholicism
1492: Spain, Portugal, Turkey - The Jews of Spain are ordered out of Spain by July 31, many traveling to the Ottoman Empire, while some settled in Portugal
1492: Spain, San Salvador - Christopher Columbus, financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, sets sail from Spain to discover a westward passage to the Orient, on October 12 he lands at San Salvador
1492: Spain - The Moors are driven out of Spain, Granada surrenders to Isabella and Ferdinand, Granada was the last Muslim Kingdom in Spain
1493: Spain - Christopher Columbus returns from a second voyage to the New World with strange animals, a live Indian and other unsusual Items, Queen Isabella grants Columbus enormous priviledges
1494: Spain, Portugal - Treaty of Tordesillas, divides Portuguese and Spanish lands, the Spanish receive all of the land to the West and the Portuguese to the East, this gives Africa to Portugal while Spain receives all of the New World with the exception of Brazil
1497: England, Canada - John Cabot and his son Sebastian, sailing for King Henry of England, discover NewFoundland and claim It for England
1498: Italy - Leonardo da Vinci paints The Last Supper in Milan, It is his most famous mural, a depiction of the last meal of Christ before he is executed
1498: Portugal, India - Vasco da Gama of Portugal sails to India and establishes a trading post, thus creating a new trade route between Europe and the East
1498: South America - Christopher Columbus, with seventeen ships and 1500 men, sails his third voyage to the New World, he discovers Trinidad and apparently lands in South America
1500: Portugal, Brazil - Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal
1500: Spain, Brazil - Spanish navigator Vicente Yanez Pinzón discovers Brazil but is prevented from claiming It by the Treaty of Tordesillas
1500: Turkey, Italy - Second Battle of Lepanto, Ottoman fleet of Kemal Reis defeats the Venetians
1501: Italy - Michelangelo returns to his native Florence to begin work on the statue David
1501: Itan - Safavid dynasty rules Iran until 1736, Safavids adopt a Shia branch of Islam
1502: South America - First reported African slaves in the New World
1503: France - Nostradamus was born on either December 14 or December 21
1503: Italy - Leonardo da Vinci begins painting the Mona Lisa and completes It three or four years later
1503: Spain, France - Battle of Cerignola, Spain defeats France, considered to be the first battle in history won by gunpowder small arms
1503: Sudan - Foundation of the Sultanate of Sennar by Amara Dunqas, in what is modern Sudan
1504: Spain - A droughty period, with famine in all of Spain
1506: Spain - At least two thousand converted Jews are massacred in a Lisbon riot
1506: Spain - Christopher Columbus dies in Valladolid, Spain
1506: Ukraine, Poland - Poland is Invaded by Tatars (or Tartars) from the Crimean Khanate (Ukraine)
1507: Dominican Republic, Haiti - The first recorded epidemic of smallpox in the New World occurs on the Island of Hispaniola and decimates the native Taino population
1509-1510: England - The Great Plague afflicts various parts of Tudor England
1509: Portugal - Battle of Diu marks the beginning of Portuguese dominance of the Spice trade
1511: Portugal, Malaysia - Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquers Malacca, the capital of the Sultanate of Malacca (island of Malaysia)
1512: Poland - Polish scientist Copernicus writes Commentariolus, and moves the sun to the center of the solar system
1512: Spain - The southern part (historical core) of the Kingdom of Navarre (in Spain) is Invaded by Castile and Aragon
1513: England, France - Battle of the Spurs, Henry VIII crush the French
1513: England, Scotland - Battle of Flodden Field, Henry VIII repels the Invading Scots
1513: Italy - Machiavelli The Prince, writes a treatise about political philosophy
1513: Panama - Vasco Nunez de Balboa, in service of Spain arrives at the Pacific Ocean (which he called Mar del Sur) across the Isthmus of Panama, It was the first European to sight the new ocean
1513: Portugal, China - The Portuguese mariner Jorge Alvares lands at Macau, China, during the Ming Dynasty
1513: Turkey - Sultan Selim I (The Grim) orders the massacre of Shia Muslims in Anatolia
1514: Lithuania, Poland, Russia - Battle of Orsha halts the expansion of Muscovy into Eastern Europe
1515: Turkey, Poland - Battle of Chaldiran, the Ottoman Empire wrests Eastern Anatolia from the Safavids
1516-1517: Turkey, Egypt - The Ottomans defeat the Mamluks and gain control of Egypt, Arabia, and the Levant
1517: England - The Sweating Sickness epidemic hits Tudor England
1517: Saxony - The Protestant Reformation begins when Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses in Saxony
1518: Iran - Mir Chakar Khan Rind leaves Baluchistan (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan) and settled in Punjab (Pakistan and India)
1519-1521: Mexico - Hernan Cortes leads the Spanish conquest of Mexico
1519-1522: globe - Spanish expedition commanded by Ferdinand Magellan and Elcano first to circle Earth
1519: China - Wang Yangming, the Chinese philosopher and governor of Jiangxi province, describes his Intent to use the fire power of the fo-lang-ji, a breech-loading Portuguese culverin, in order to suppress the rebellion of Prince Zhu Chen-hao
1519: France - Barbary pirates led by Hayreddin Barbarossa raid Provence and Toulon in southern France
1519: Italy - Leonardo da Vinci dies of natural causes on May 2
1519: Spain - Charles I of Spain becomes Emperor of Holy Roman Empire as Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (ruled until 1556)
1520-1566: Turkey - The reign of Suleiman the Magnificent marks the zenith of the Ottoman Empire
1520: Portugal, Ethiopia - The first European diplomatic mission to Ethiopia, sent by the Portuguese, arrives at Massawa 9 April, and reaches the Imperial encampment of Emperor Dawit II in Shewa 9 October
1521: Philippines - Philippines discovered by Ferdinand Magellan, he was later killed in battle in central Philippines in the same year
1521: Portugal, China - After building fortifications at Tuen Mun, the Portuguese attempt to Invade Ming Dynasty China, but are expelled by Chinese naval forces
1521: Turkey, Serbia - Belgrade is captured by the Ottoman Empire
1522: Turkey - Rhodes falls to the Ottoman Turks of Suleiman the Magnificent, the tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
1523: Sweden, Norway, Denmark - Sweden gains Independence from the Kalmar Union
1524-1525: Germany - German Peasants War in the Holy Roman Empire
1524: North America - Giovanni da Verrazzano is the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America between South Carolina and Newfoundland
1525: Spain, german, France - Battle of Pavia, Spain and Germany defeat Francis I of France and capture him
1526: India - Mughal Empire, founded by Babur, rules India until 1739 and hold titles until 1857
1526: Turkey. Hungary - Battle of Mohacs, the Ottomans defeat the Kingdom of Hungary
1527: Italy - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, sacks Rome, this basically ends the Italian Renaissance
1527: Sweden - Protestant Reformation begins in Sweden
1529: Austria, Turkey - Siege of Vienna, Austrians defeat the Ottoman Empire
1529: Ethiopia - Battle of Shimbra, Kure Imam Ahmad Gragn defeats the Ethiopian Emperor Dawit II, the opening clash of the Ethiopian-Adal War
1529: Portugal, Spain - Treaty of Zaragoza defined the antimeridian of Tordesillas attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and Philippines to Spain
1531-1532: England - The Church of England breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church and recognizes King Henry VIII as the head of the Church
1531: Peru - The Inca Civil War is fought between the two brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar
1532: Spain, Peru - Francisco Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire
1533: England - Anne Boleyn becomes Queen of England
1533: England - Elizabeth Tudor is born
1534: France, Canada - Jacques Cartier claims Quebec for France
1534: France - Affair of the Placards, Francis becomes more active in repression of French Protestants
1534: Turkey, Iraq - Battle of Baghdad, Ottomans capture Baghdad
1535: Germany - The Munster Rebellion, an attempt of radical, millennialist, Anabaptists in Germany to establish a theocracy ends in bloodshed
1536: Argentina - Foundation of Buenos Aires by Pedro de Mendoza
1536: England - Anne Boleyn is beheaded for adultery and treason
1536: Portugal - Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal
1537: Portugal, Brazil - Portuguese establishes Recife in Pernambuco, north-east of Brazil
1538: Turkey, Spain, Italy - Battle of Preveza, Ottoman Turks defeat the Spanish-Venetian fleet
1539: North America - Hernando de Soto explores Inland North America
1541: Algeria, Spain - An Algerian military campaign by Charles V of Spain (Habsburg) is unsuccessful
1541: Brazil - Amazon River is discovered and explored by Francisco de Orellana
1541: Chile - Pedro de Valdivia founds Santiago de Chile
1541: Korea, Russia - Sahib I Giray of Crimea Invade Russia
1541: Turkey, Hungary - Capture of Buda and the absorption of the major part of Hungary by the Ottoman Empire
1542: France, England, Scotland - War resumes between Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V, this time Henry VIII is allied to the Emperor, while James V of Scotland and Sultan Suleiman I are allied to the French
1543: Ethiopia, Portugal - Battle of Wayna Daga, Ethiopian/Portuguese troops decisively defeat the Muslim army, Imam Ahmad Gragn killed
1543: Portugal, Japan - The Nanban trade period begins after Portuguese traders make contact with Japan
1544: France, Spain - Battle of Ceresole, French defeat an Imperial-Spanish army
1544: Scotland - Battle of the Shirts in Scotland, the Frasers and Macdonalds of Clan Ranald fight over a disputed chiefship, reportedly, 5 Frasers and 8 Macdonalds survive
1546: Italy - Michelangelo Buonarroti is made chief architect of St. Peters Basilica
1547: Russia - Grand Prince Ivan the Terrible is crowned tsar of (All)Russia, thenceforth becoming the first Russian tsar
1547: Spain, Italy, Hungary - Battle of Muhlberg, Emperor Charles V decisively dismantles the Schmalkaldic League
1548: China, Japan - The Ming Dynasty government of China Issues a decree banning all foreign trade and closes down all seaports along the coast, these Hai jin laws came during the Wokou wars with Japanese pirates
1548: Japan - Battle of Uedahara, firearms are used for the first time on the battlefield in Japan, and Takeda Shingen is defeated by Murakami Yoshikiyo
1549: El Salvador, Brazil - Tome de Souza establishes Salvador in Bahia, northeast of Brazil
1550-1551: Spain, Americas - Valladolid debate concerning the existence of souls in AmerIndians
1550: Mongolia, China - Mongols led by Altan Khan Invade China and besiege Beijing
1551: England - Fifth outbreak of sweating sickness in England, John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease
1551: Malta, Libya - North African pirates enslave the entire population of the Maltese Island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya
1552: Russia, Bulgaria - Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan
1553: England - Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England
1554: Brazil - Portuguese missionaries Jose de Anchieta and Manuel da Nobrega establishes Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil
1555: England, Russia - The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company
1556-1605: India - During his reign, Akbar expands the Mughal Empire in a series of conquests
1556: China - The Shaanxi Earthquake in China is the deadliest known earthquake in history
1556: Germany - Georgius Agricola of Germany, the "Father of Mineralogy", publishes his De re metallica
1556: India - Mir Chakar Khan Rind captured Delhi with Emperor Humayun
1556: India - Second Battle of Panipat, Akbar the Great defeats the Sultan of Bengal
1556: Italy - Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman Inquisition
1556: Italy - Publication in Venice of Delle Navigiationi et Viaggi (terzo volume) by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, secretary of Council of Ten, with plan La Terra de Hochelaga, an Illustration of Indian village Hochelaga
1556: Russia - Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate
1557: Portugal, China - The Portuguese settle in Macau in China
1557: Spain - Spain became the first sovereign nation in history to declare bankruptcy, Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596
1557: Turkey, Ethiopia - The Ottomans capture Massawa, all but Isolating Ethiopia from the rest of the world
1558-1583: Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Russia - Livonian War between Poland, Grand Principality of Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark and Russia
1558-1603: England - The Elizabethan era is considered the height of the English Renaissance
1558: England, France - After 200 years, the Kingdom of England loses Calais to France
1558: England - Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25
1559: Italy - With the Peace of Cateau Cambresis, the Italian Wars conclude
1560: Hungary - Erzsebet Bathory is born in Nyirbator, Hungary
1560: Japan - By winning the Battle of Okehazama, Oda Nobunaga becomes one of the pre-eminent warlords of Japan
1560: Turkey, Spain - Battle of Djerba, Ottoman navy defeats the Spanish fleet
1561: western Europe - Guido de Bres draws up the Belgic Confession of Protestant faith
1562-1598: France - French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots
1562: France - Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars of Religion
1562: India - Mughal leader Akbar reconciles the Muslim and Hindu factions by marrying into the powerful Rajput Hindu caste
1563: England - Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England, in London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease
1564: England - William Shakespeare baptized 26 April
1564: Italy - Galileo Galilei born on February 15
1565: Bazil - Estacio de Sa establishes Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
1565: India - Battle of Talikota fought between the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar and the Deccan sultanates
1565: Israel, Turkey - Siege of Malta, Hospitallers defeat the Ottoman Empire
1565: Pakistan - Mir Chakar Khan Rind dies at age of 97
1566–1648:: Spain, Netherlands - Eighty Years War between Spain and the Netherlands
1567: England, Scotland - Mary, Queen of Scots, is Imprisoned by Elizabeth I
1568-1570: Russia, Turkey - Russo-Turkish War (first of ten over the next 310 years), Russian victory, they were victorious in eight of the ten wars
1568-1571: Spain - Morisco Revolt in Spain
1568-1600: Japan - The Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan
1569: England - Rising of the North in England, also called the Revolt of the Northern Earls, and, Northern Rebellion, It is an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic noblemen from northern England to depose Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots
1569: Poland, Lithuiana - The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is created with the Union of Lublin, It lasts until 1795
1570: Russia - Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) orders the massacre of Inhabitants of Novgorod
1571: Italy, Turkey - Battle of Lepanto )off Greece), The Holy League destroys the Ottoman Empire navy in a five-hour battle
1571: Italy, Turkey - Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks
1571: Ukraine, Russia - Crimean Tatars (or Tartars) attack and sack Moscow, burning everything but the Kremlin
1571: United States - Spanish missionaries are murdered by Indians at the later Jamestown Settlement, Virginia
1572: France - Catherine de Medici Instigates the St. Bartholomew Day massacre which takes the lives of Protestant leader Gaspard de Coligny and thousands of Huguenots, the violence spreads from Paris to other cities and the countryside
1572: Peru - Spanish conquistadores apprehend the last Inca leader Tupak Amaru at Vilcabamba, Peru, and execute him in Cuzco
1572: Portugal - First edition of the epic The Lusiads of Luis Vaz de Camoes, three years after the Portugese author returns from the East
1572: Spain, Netherlands, Austria - Brielle is taken from the House of Habsburg (also called the House of Austria) Spain by Protestant Watergeuzen in the Capture of Brielle during the Eighty Years War
1573: Spain, Netherlands - Siege of Haarlem, after heavy losses on both sides, the Spanish gain a victory
1574: Netherlands, Spain - After a siege of four months the Siege of Leiden ends in a comprehensive Dutch victory
1574: Spain, Netherlands - In the Eighty Years War the capital of Zeeland, Middelburg declares for the Protestants
1575: Japan - Oda Nobunaga finally captures Nagashima fortress in Japan
1576: Spain, Netherlands - Sack of Antwerp by badly paid Spanish soldiers
1577-1580: globe - Francis Drake circles the world
1578: Netherlands, Spain - Battle of Alcazarquivir, King Sebastian of Portugal is killed
1579: Netherlands, Spain - The Union of Arras unifies the southern Netherlands, a foundation for the later states of the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands and Belgium
1579: Netherlands - The Union of Utrecht unifies the northern Netherlands, a foundation for the later Dutch Republic
1580: Netherlands, Spain - Royal reception after his attacks on Spanish possessions, influences Philip II of Spain to build up the Spanish Armada, English ships in Spanish harbours are Impounded
1580: Spain, Portugal - Spain unifies with Portugal under Philip II, the struggle for the throne of Portugal ends the Portuguese Empire, the Spanish and Portuguese crowns are united for 60 years, ie until 1640
1582: Italy - Pope Gregory XIII Issues the Gregorian calendar, It took several centuries before being adoped by most all non-Catholic countries but It is still in use world wide today
1582: Russia - Yermak Timofeyevich conquers the Siberia Khanate on behalf of the Stroganovs
1584-1585: Netherlands - After the Siege of Antwerp, many of Its merchants flee to Amsterdam
1585-1604: Spain, New World - The Anglo-Spanish War is fought on both sides of the Atlantic
1585: United States - in Roanoke, Virginia, the first English colony in America, is born the first white baby, Virginia Dare
1587: England - Queen Elizabeth authorizes the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, for allegedly plotting against her
1588: England, Spain - England (with help from the weather) defeats the Spanish Armada
1589: Spain, England - Spain repulses the English Armada
1590: United States - Roanoke, Virginia "disappears", becoming "The Lost Colony"
1591: Morocco, Mali - In Mali, Moroccan forces of the Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur led by Judar Pasha defeat the Songhai Empire at the Battle of Tondibi
1591: Poland, Russia - Gazi Giray leads a huge Tatar/Tartar expedition against Moscow
1592-1593: England - John Stow reports 10,675 plague deaths in London, a city of approximately 200,000 people
1592-1598: Korea, China, Japan - Korea, with the help of Ming Dynasty China, repels two Japanese Invasions
1593-1606: Austria, Turkey - The Long War between the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Turks
1598-1613: Russia - Russia descends into anarchy during the Time of Troubles
1598: France - The Edict of Nantes (one of the coolest names ever!) ends the French Wars of Religion
1600: Italy - Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake for heresy in Rome
1600: Japan - Battle of Sekigahara in Japan, end of the Warring States period and beginning of the Edo period
1601-1603: Russia - The Russian famine of 1601-1603 kills perhaps a third of Russia
1601: Ireland - Battle of Kinsale, one of the most Important battles in Irish history, fought
1601: Romania, Austria - Michael the Brave (first unificator of Romania), voivode of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, is assassinated by the order of the Habsburg general Giorgio Basta at Campia TurzII
1602: Netherlands - Dutch East India Company founded, Its success contributes to the Dutch Golden Age
1603-1623: Iran, Turkey, Portugal - After modernizing his army, Abbas I expands the Persian Empire by capturing territory from the Ottomans and the Portuguese
1603: England, Scotland - Elizabeth I of England dies and is succeeded by her cousin King James VI of Scotland, uniting the crowns of Scotland and England
1603: Japan - Tokugawa Ieyasu seizes control of Japan and establishes the Tokugawa Shogunate which rules the country until 1868
1605: England - Gunpowder Plot failed in England
1605: Turkey, Hungary - The fortresses of Veszprem en Visegrad in Hungary are retaken by the Ottomans
1606: Netherlands, Australia - Captain Willem Janszoon and his crew aboard the Dutch East India Company ship Duyfken becomes the first recorded Europeans to sight and make landfall in Australia
1606: Turkey, Austria - The Long War between the Ottoman Empire and Austria is ended with the Peace of Zsitvatorok
1607: Ireland - Flight of the Earls (the fleeing of most of the native Gaelic aristocracy) occurs from County Donegal in the west of Ulster in Ireland
1607: United States - Jamestown, Virginia, is settled as what would become the first permanent English colony in North America
1608: Canada - Quebec City founded by Samuel de Champlain in New France (present-day Canada)
1609: Germany - Maximilian of Bavaria establishes the Catholic League
1609: Netherlands, Spain - The Netherlands and Spain agree to a Twelve Years Truce in the Eighty Years War
1609: United States - Pedro de Peralta, a later governor of New Mexico, establishes the settlement of Santa Fe
1610: France - King Henry IV of France is assassinated and is succeeded by his nine year old son, King Louis XIII who rules until 1643
1610: Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Sweden - Battle of Klushino, the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth army defeats combined Russian-Swedish forces and conquers Moscow
1612: England - King James version of the Bible is published
1613-1617: Poland, Lithuania - Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is Invaded by the Tatars (or Tartars) dozens of times
1613: Russia - The Time of Troubles in Russia ends with the establishment of the House of Romanov which rules until 1917
1613: United States - Pochahontas marries John Rolfe
1616: England - William Shakespeare dies
1616: Spain - The last remaining Moriscos (Moors who had nominally converted to Christianity) in the Spain are expelled
1618-1638: Germany - The Bohemian Revolt precipitates the Thirty Years War which devastates Europe in the years 1618-1648
1618: China - The Manchus start Invading China, their conquest eventually topples the Ming Dynasty
1618: Romania - Bethlen Gabor, Prince of Transylvania, joins Protestant Rebels
1619: Austria, Romania - Bethlen Gabor is defeated outside Vienna
1620-1621: Poland, Turkey - Polish-Ottoman War over Moldavia
1620: Poland - Battle of White Mountain, Emperor Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, defeats the Bohemian rebels
1620: Romania, Turkey - Bethlen Gabor allies with the Ottomans and an Invasion of Moldavia takes place, the Polish suffer a disaster at Cecora on the River Prut
1620: United States - The Puritan Pilgrims arrive in the Mayflower at Cape Cod
1621: Poland, Turkey - The Battle of Chocim Poles and Cossacks under Jan Karol Chodkiewicz defeat the Ottomans
1621: United States - The Pilgrims celebrate the first Thanksgiving with their Indian neighbors
1622: United States - Jamestown massacre Algonquian natives kill 347 English settlers outside Jamestown, Virginia (a third of the population of the colony) and burn the Henricus settlement
1623: Italy - Maffeo Barberini is elected Pope Urban VIII at the Papal conclave of 1623
1624-1642: France - As chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu centralises power in France
1625: United States - New Amsterdam founded by the Dutch West India Company in North America
1626: Italy - St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican completed
1626: United States - The Dutch buy Manhattan Island for $24, a presence is established but no large settlements made
1627: France - Cardinal Richelieu lays siege to Protestant La Rochelle which eventually capitulates
1629: France - Cardinal Richelieu allies with Swedish Protestant forces in the Thirty Years War to counter expansion by Ferdinand II
1631: Italy - Mount Vesuvius erupts near Naples
1632: germany - Battle of Lutzen (first of two), death of king of Sweden Gustav II Adolf
1633: Italy - Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition
1633: United States - The city of Baltimore is settled
1634: Ethiopia - Emperor Fasilides expels the Catholic Patriarch Afonso Mendes and several Jesuit missionaries from Ethiopia
1634: Germany - Battle of Nordlingen (first of two), in Bavaria, results in Catholic victory
1636: Ethiopia - Emperor Fasilides founds the city of Gondar, which becomes the capital of Ethiopia for the next two centuries
1636: United States - Harvard University is founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts
1636: United States - Roger Williams is driven from Puritan Massachusetts and settles Rhode Island, a haven for religious freedom
1638: United States - Delaware is settled by Peter Minuet
1639-1651: England, Ireland, Scotland - Wars of the Three Kingdoms, civil wars throughout Scotland, Ireland, and England
1639: Italy - Disagreements between the Farnese and Barberini Pope Urban VIII escalate into the Wars of Castro and last until 1649
1639: Spain, England - Naval Battle of the Downs, Republic of the United Provinces fleet decisively defeats a Spanish fleet in English waters
1639: United States - John Wheelwright is banished from Boston and founds a colony in New Hampshire
1640-1668: Portugal - The Portuguese Restoration War led to the end of the Iberian Union
1640: England - Torture is outlawed in England
1640: Scotland - King Charles was compelled to summon Parliament due to the revolt of the Scots
1640: United States - The population of the American Colonies is estimated at 5,700. Starting in the 1990's, Charles Anderson of the New England Historic Genealogical Society begins books that provides information about all persons in New England by 1640.
1641: France - Rene Descartes publishes Meditationes de prima philosophia Meditations on First Philosophy
1641: Ireland - The Irish Rebellion
1641: Japan - The Tokugawa Shogunate Institutes Sakoku, foreigners are expelled and no one is allowed to enter or leave Japan
1642-1649: England - Civil War in England, Charles I is beheaded by Cromwell
1642: England - Isaac Newton is born
1642: Neatherlands, New Zealand - Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman achieves the first recorded European sighting of New Zealand
1644-1674: Mauritania - The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War
1644: China - The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming Dynasty, the subsequent Qing Dynasty rules until 1912
1644: Italy - Giovanni Battista Pamphili is elected Pope Innocent X at the Papal conclave of 1644