The Highways Traveled

The goals for this trip were to (re-)visit all the national parks north and east of the Mason-Dixon line, (re-)photograph the college campus signs of the colleges/universities I needed to (re-)visit, do some family history in several states, and, visit friends in Massachusetts. This also allowed me to cover some new highways I had never been on, and, spend a third night in all states needing a third night except North Dakota (which will be done next year).

New England and Southeast Canada: Before, and after, New England, there were dozens of stops planned in other states. Other than visiting some friends in Massachusetts, the main purpose of this entire trip is three-fold: college signs, national parks, and, family history research. The first two I managed to achieve all my planned goals. However, family history research fell way short of hoped-for results.
In southeastern Canada I wanted to spend some time in New Brunswick since I skipped right through it in 2019. And the original plan was to go around the entire perimeter of Nova Scotia. But, to cut down on the number of miles (as well as hours and days) of driving) I decided to skip the southwestern part of Nova Scotia, thus, missing one national park there and its night sky view of the center of the Milky Way.

--Xenia Ohio Library and County Clerk Office
--Family history research in Westchester county just north of Manhattan Island
--Dummerston Vermont
--Some historical societies that are open only a day or two per week, or even per month!
--Decided to skip the southwestern portion of Nova Scotia -- between the cloudy forecast (I wanted a clear dark sky night) and I have driven many more miles than I planned and the lease car agreement limits the number of miles I can drive -- only thing really missed there is the Kejimkujik National Park and its night sky
--Decided to skip the Glace Bay portion of northern Nova Scotia (but did go to Sydney for the Cape Breton visitor center)
--Seeing the center of the Milky Way Galaxy from the two big national parks Kejimkujik (Nova Scotia) and Kouchibougauc (New Brunswick) -- cloudy for the nights I was in their areas
--Seeing, and photographing, whales -- chances were at Saint John New Brunswick (must get on a boat) and at Digby Nova Scotia (skipped this half of Nova Scotia)
--Sunrise/sunset over a large body of water -- weather failed to cooperate
--Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion -- the forecast was continued rain, plus, after talking to someone who had worked there in the past and said the place is more about celebrating holidays than showing their garden and mansion

OBSERVATIONS: Some observations made while traveling in this area:

The Bests:

  1. The national parks in the U.S. and in Canada, especially the beauty of Acadia National Park and Cape Breton National Park
  2. Helpful town clerks of New England
  3. Sunny weather most days
  4. Saint John New Brunswick: Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Staff, Reversing Falls, watching tug boats turn a huge cruise ship 180 degrees around
  5. Finding such a nice grocery store (called Co-Op) in Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia where I could get things for three meals while in town

The Worsts:

  1. Nearly every New England driver is now a speeding tailgater
  2. People of the 1800's did not know to use better stone for cemetery headstones, thus, all engraved letters/numbers are totally gone a century later
  3. Hotels abandoning actual bars of soap and the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner for hanging-on-the-wall soaps and shampoo/conditioner. Any many times these hanging bottles are totally empty!
  4. Inconsiderate hotel guests who either don't care about, or, are totally unaware of, the disturbing noise they make for other hotel guests.

The Totals:

Just to list this as of May 2024: