The Highways Traveled

Purposes of this trip:
- Stay in a cabin in Chickasaw State Park, the favorite park of me and my two siblings
- Visit two new national parks: Horseshoe Bend and Little River Canyon
- Photograph the national park sign at Shiloh National Battlefield
- Photograph the national park sign Smoky Mountains plus drive through part of it -- MISSED IT!!!
- Photograph a college sign -- a new college I got only because it was convenient -- Lee University -- MISSED IT!!!
- Visit the library of my childhood home town to get a microfilmed newspaper photo from 1960 -- I appeared in that photo --- MISSED IT!!!

TENNESSEE: Some loose ends to take care of as well as revisit a favorite childhood park and finally drive the southwest-northeast highways through the Smoky Mountains
ALABAMA: Visit two national parks on my way to southeastern Tennessee
NORTH CAROLINA: Just barely in the extreme western edge of the state while driving through the Smoky Mountains --- MISSED IT!!!

--Any touring of my hometown of Jackson -- been there anyway several times over the last 50 years since moving away.
--Getting to the Jackson library to look for the newspaper photo of me -- they were closed on the day after Independence Day when I was in town
--Smoky Mountains and the sights in the park: Bald River Falls, Yellow Creek Falls, Fontana Dam and Lake
--Lee University in Cleveland TN

OBSERVATIONS: Some observations made while traveling in this area:

  1. The Mississippi River is probably three times wider than the Missouri River. Both the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers seem wider too.
  2. Lots of wildflowers growing along the highways -- yellows and whites
  3. So fun to see mimosa trees blossoming in Tennessee -- always one of my favorite trees
  4. I learned a BIG LESSON -- something I had wrong for decades. I have seen towns in other parts of the US called Humboldt with that silent letter "d". Always griped about them saying at least Tennessee knows how to spell it: Humbolt. BUT, when I saw the highways signs to it, the letter "d" is included. Oh my!
  5. Alabama drivers are Risky drivers -- they take unusual chances at darting through traffic
  6. Summer traffic is quite heavy this year -- maybe it always has been but I generally avoid travel in the summer months

The Bests:

The Worsts:

The Totals:

Just to list this as of July 2021: