The Highways Traveled

This trip had two main purposes and some secondary ones "while in the neighborhood". One, I wanted to attend the Toastmasters District 31 annual conference. Since I will be "living" in Boston for 14 weeks and will join a Toastmasters club there, the conference was a great chance to meet many district members. Two, I wanted to finalizxe the paperwork for my apartment and garage. The secondary items were to visit some colleges (and photograph their campus signs) and national parks. Unfortunately, the weekend I was there was also graduation week. Between the overload of traffic and a pouring rain, I was only able to get to two of the intended five campuses. The other three will wait until I arrive in July. I did get to visit the home, called "Peacefield", of Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams. I had visited there many years ago but needed a photograph of the house for my website of all homes-libraries-museums of all U.S. Presidents through Bush #2. Obama has yet to build his library.

MASSACHUSETTS: Much planned for the Boston area -- Toastmasters District 31 conference, some college campuses and a national park slash U.S. Presidents' home
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Only came to this state on this trip to photograph the campus sign at the University of New Hampshire.
MAINE: I only went to Kennebunkport to photograph the Bush Compound (home of recently deceased Bush #1). It was rainy and the place was closed but was visible at a distance.

--Boston University, Northeastern University and Emerson College

OBSERVATIONS: Some observations made while traveling in this area:

The Bests:

  1. The Toastmasters District 31 conference. It was very well done from the attendees standpoint (although those who worked behind the scenes wished some things were done differently). I met several dozen folks and connected via Linkedln with well over a dozen of them. When I return in July I will join one of the local clubs.
  2. The Peacefield home of the Adams family. John Adams is one of my most admired people in U.S. history. History has been much less kind to him that I believe is warranted.

The Worsts:

  1. New England traffic. I now know that I should plan on it taking at least double what Google Maps says it will take to get anywhere, especially in Boston.
  2. Toll roads. They simply are a really bad idea. Massachusetts has many tolls.

The Totals:

Just to list this as of November 2019: