I have long wanted to visit here, particularly after a co-worker visited here in 1990 and brought back some gorgeous photos. And, thanks to staring at Nova Scotia in a Rand- McNally atlas, I have "mentally been here before". This trip finally got me here, AND, it was at the tail end of fall foliage season. I traversed, counterclockwise, the entire peninsula.

When at the extreme eastern end of Nova Scotia, I would loved to have taken the ferry to Newfoundland. However, that ferry ride takes an entire day. Then, it would have taken several more days to tour Newfoundland, particularly to get to Saint John's, the easternmost city of North America. All in all, I would have needed an additional week to properly see all of Newfoundland. And that still would leave Labrador to the north to visit.

I was so glad to finally make it to Halifax. With my shortened trip, this was really the only place in Nova Scotia I went. Of four eastern provinces I visited, along with the New England states, Nova Scotia had the best looking fall colors.

On my way out of the province, it rained on me the entire time. In fact, I had rain all through New Brunswick and Maine and New Hampshire and Massachusetts. It finally quit raining when I got to Connecticut. I did just over 950 miles for the day with 15 hours of driving. That is my personal longest driving time and distance in a day. I hope it always remains my personal longest!!!