This place had been on my TO-SEE-SOMEDAY List for 10 - 12 years. I made it. The place is worth a visit -- is always open and is always free.

    Some lessons learned from visiting it:
  1. the walk is much further than you might imagine, it is up and down large hills, twice. 15-20 minutes each way.
  2. the walking path is all sand on top of terraced stones and is very uneven. Easy to twist an ankle for fall so watch your every step.
  3. I overheard an eight year old tell his mother "We should do things like this more often".
  4. Several "warning" signs say to take water with you. It was sunny and 75 degrees when I did it. However, I did not take water although most people did.
  5. There were at least 2,000 people there and the flow back and forth is constant. Interestingly, a very large percent, close to half, of the visitors were of some Asian descent. I heard one Caucasian father explain to his young son as they walked past "That is a different language".
  6. Like the "swimming rule", bad idea to eat at least half an hour before the walk. It will bounce inside you as you walk up and down the steep hills.
  7. The town of Page AZ itself was founded in 1957 so it is young and looks new. Nice town.