I wanted to see the marker for the central point of the contiguous 48 states. Like Four Corners,
this place is on an out-of-the-way place. So one must work it into a stop on the way to somewhere
else. It did have more there than I expected and was worth the trip. It was interesting how much
low-lying fog there was between Manhattan and Lebanon.
As I stood there on the east side of this marker in north central Kansas, it struck me that, okay
I am still standing in the eastern half of the U.S. Got that, EASTERN HALF. And about a
thousand miles to the east is Youngstown, Ohio. To the east, mind you. A thousand miles
away. And that point a thousand miles to the east of me still standing in the eastern half of the
U.S. is called a Midwestern State. Ohio in the Midwest. While I understand why the name was
originally given by the thirteen original colonies inhabitants who thought anything west of the
Allegheny Mountains was practically foreign territory, I cannot understand why the name stuck.
The Midwest U.S. should he Utah, Wyoming and Nevada.
So there. I can get off my soap box now.............