
  (unnamed ship) ,Weymouth, Dorset county, England
       1635-03-20, JOHN\JONATHAN WOODCOCK Sr. (1615 EN to 1701 MA), The ship, led by Reverend Joseph Hull, arrived on May 5th, 1635. Per an order of the Massachusetts General Court, the twenty families on board, mostly from parishes in the Somersetshire county towns of Batcombe and Broadway, settled in what was then called Wessaguscus in Norfolk county. The place was later renamed to Weymouth.      
       1635-03-20, JOHN WHITMARSH (1596 ?EN to 1644-1686 MA), John was among Reverend Joseph Hull's company. The family of six is listed in the passenger list as follows: <_LF_> Jno. Whitmarsk aged 39 yeare, <_LF_> Alce Whitmarke his wife aged 35 yeare, <_LF_> Jms Whitmarcke his sonne aged 11 yeare, <_LF_> Jane his daughter aged 7 yeare, <_LF_> Onseph Whitmarke his sonne aged 5 yeare, <_LF_> Rich: Whytemark his sonne aged 2 yeare.   

  Alexander and Anne ,Philadelphia, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania
       1730-09-05, JOHANN\HANS\JOHN VALENTINE BRENEISEN (1698 GE to 1737 PA)   

  Alice ,Gravesend, Kent county, England
       1635-07-13, AVIS CHAPMAN (1618 EN to 1638-1708), age 19 with 31 other passengers   

  Arbella ,Massachusetts
       1630, GEORGE PHILLIPS (1593 EN to 1644 MA), left because of persecution   

  Brothers (a ship) ,Pennsylvania
       1751-09- , JOHANN ANDREAS MORR Jr. (1727 GE to 1801 ?PA), He came from Germany to Philadelphia with his sister Anna and her husband Michael Weaver and they initially settled in Schaefferstown, Lebanon county, Pennsylvania   

  Confidence ,Southampton, Hampshire county, England
       1638 -1838-04-24, THOMAS GOODNOW (?1608 EN to 1666 MA)      
       1638 -1638-04-24, SUFFERANCE HAYNES (?1618 ?EN to 1682), with her parents      
       1638 -1638-04-24, JOHN GOODNOW (?1634 EN to 1721 MA), with his parents      
       1638 -1638-04-24, MARTHA HIGGS (1590 EN to 1652 MA), After the death of her husband, Martha went to New England with her daughter to join her sons, Edward and Thomas, already there.      
       1638 -1638-04-24, WALTER HAYNES (1583 EN to 1665 MA), at age 55      
       1638 -1638-04-24, ELIZABETH GOURD (c1589 EN to 1659 ?MA), with her husband      
       1638 -1638-04-24, EDMUND GOODNOW (1611 EN to 1688 MA), age 27 with wife Ann and two sons      
       1638 -1638-04-24, ANNE HANNAH BARRY (1611 EN to 1676 ?MA), age 27 with wife Ann and two sons      
       1638 -1638-04-24, Thomas GOODNOW (?1637 ?EN to 1663 MA), with his parents      
       1638 -1638-04-24, Mary HAYNES (?1625 EN to 1645-1715 ?MA), at age 5 with her parents   

  Defense ,London, Middlesex county, England
       1635-07- , RICHARD PARKE (1602 EN to 1665 MA)   

  Diligent ,?Hingham, Norfolk county, England
       1638, HENRY CHAMBERLAIN Sr. (1595 EN to 1674 MA)   

  Elizabeth ,Ipswich, Suffolk county, England
       1634-04-10, ISAAC\JOHN MIXER (1603 to 1655-1693 EN), age 34 with wife and son Isaac age 4      
       1634-04-10, SARAH THURSTON (1600 EN to 1681), age 33 with husband and son Isaac age 4      
       1634-04-01, JOSEPH MORSE Jr. (1613 EN to 1691), age 24   

  Elizabeth Bonaventure ,Yarmouth, Hampshire county, England
       1633, EDMUND HOBART (1570 EN to 1648), with wife and six of seven children      
       1633, MARGARET DEWEY (1578 EN to 1617-1668 ?MA), with husband and six of seven children   

  Francis ,Ipswich, Suffolk county, England
       1634-04-30, RICHARD BLOSS Sr. (1623 EN to 1665-1713 MA), with his mother They joined his father who had come to America a few years earlier, in Watertown. Note that also on the ship FRANCIS on the same day was a passenger Nicholas Jennison age 22. It is unknown if he is any relation to the Micael\Michal Jennison that Richard married 24 years later.      
       1634-04-30, MARY COOPER (c1590 EN to 1675 MA), with her son   

  Hopewell ,?Saint Mary's, Somerset county, England
       1635, JOHN WHITCOMB (c1588 EN to 1662)   

  Increase ,London, Middlesex county, England
       1635-04- , THOMAS JOSLIN (?1592 EN to 1661 MA), Appearing on the passenger list were: <_LF_> Tho: Jostlin, husbandman age 43 <_LF_> Rebecca, his wife age 43 <_LF_> Elizabeth Ward, a maid servant age 38 <_LF_> Rebecca age 18 "Children <_LF_> Dorothy age 11 of the <_LF_> Nathaniel age 8 said Tho: <_LF_> Eliza age 6 Jostlin." <_LF_> Mary age 1 April 1635      
       1635-04-15, SIMON STONE (1585 EN to 1665 MA), with his family Simon Stone age 50, his wife Joan age 38, children Frances age 16, Ann age 11, Simon age 4, and John age 5 weeks. Also on board was Simon's younger brother Gregory who later settled at Cambridge (Middlesex) Massachusetts and his brother John who settled in Guilford, Connecticut. This type of voyage in those days took about eleven weeks and were usually on 200 ton ships. There were 117 passengers on the "Increase".      
       1635, JOAN\JANE CLARK (1597 ?EN to c1653 MA), age 38 with her family      
       1635-04-15, John STONE (1573 EN to 1639-1663), with his brothers Simon and Gregory      
       1635-04-15, Gregory STONE (1590 EN to 1672 ?MA), with his brothers Simon and John   

  John and Dorothy ,Norwich, Norfolk county, England
       1637-04-08, JOHN PIERCE (1585 EN to 1661 MA), John age 49, wife Elizabeth age 36 [?46], children John, Barbara, Judith and Elizabeth. The ship's name might have been "Rose" instead of "John and Dorothy".   

  Jonathan ,England
       1639, SAMUEL BLANCHARD (1629 EN to 1707 MA)      
       1639, THOMAS BLANCHARD (?1605 ?EN to 1629-1695)   

  Lyon ,England
       1632-06-22-1632-09-16, WILLIAM HEATH Jr. (c1591 ?EN to 1652), with his wife and five children He came with Seth Grant.      
       1632-06-22-1632-09-16, SETH GRANT (?1610 EN to 1636-1700), He came with Wadsworth, Talcott,Goodwin, Olmstead, WilliamM Heath and others.   

  Mary and John ,Plymouth, Devon county, England
       1636, JOHN MAVERICK (1578 EN to 1636 MA)   

  Mary and John ,England
       1630-05- , MARY GYE (?1580 ?EN to 1631-1670 ?MA)   

  Mary Ann of Great Yarmouth
       1637, WILLIAM AMES III (1605 EN to 1654 MA), with his widowed mother Traveled to the colonies with his mother Joane, the widow of Rev. William D.D.      
       1637, JOANE FLETCHER (?1585 ?EN to 1644 MA), with her son William Ames   

  Mayflower ,Plymouth, Devon county, England
       1620-09-06-1620-11-20, ISAAC ALLERTON (c1586 EN to 1659 CT), along with his family Isaac was the fifth signer of the Mayflower Compact.      
       1620-09-06-1620-11-20, MARY NORRIS (?1586 ?EN to 1621 MA), along with her husband and daughter      
       1620, JOHN TURNER (1564 EN to 1621 MA)      
       1620, JOAN LILY (1568 EN to 1621 MA)   

  Mayflower as young child ,Plymouth, Devon county, England
       1620-09-06-1620-11-20, REMEMBER ALLERTON (1614 NT to 1655 ?MA), with her parents   

  Paule ,London, Middlesex county, England
       1640, WILLIAM HINDS (?1600 EN to 1658-1690 ?MA), age 35 came with his sister   

  Speedwell ,England
       1633, JONATHAN FAIRBANK (c1595 EN to 1668 MA), with four sons   

  Unity [or, John and Sarah] ,Charlestown, Suffolk county, Massachusetts
       1651, WILLIAM GOWEN (1640 ST to 1686 ME), William apparently was a prisoner sent to the U.S. by Cromwell after the battle of Dunbar, the group settled in Kittery and Lynn [later Berwick] in Maine which then was a part of Massachusetts., D__0260