I flew into Buffalo in 2015 to begin a 15-day tour of most of the state of New York. At the time I had yet to begin my goal of photographing college campus signs. So came back here on this trip to photograph the campus signs at University of Buffalo and Canisius College as well as the nearby Niagara University before crossing into Canada.

I MUST remember to always double check my Garmin to see what route it plans to take me on. Once in a while, including the route between the University of Buffalo and Niagara University, the Garmin will send me way out of the way. Today it sent me through Lockport NY since I told it to avoid toll roads. On that route I found more of those numerous New York drivers who consistently drive 5 to 10 MPH below the speed limit. Also, after finally getting near Niagara University, Garmin was trying to get me to go on a road that was restricted to the local power company.

My Garmin unit is really giving me fits this trip. First, it has disabled the "Go" button on all of the imported POI's (points of interest) that worked great on the two trips in May. Second, it sends me off to out-of-the-way places such as the above-mentioned Lockport NY and restricted roads. It also wanted me to drive over ten miles from one University of BUffalo campus sign to the next. Third, it was pretty useless in downtown Toronto where all of the tall buildings were -- it had the same issue years ago on Manhattan Island.

Contrary to my usual Almost-Always-Avoid-Toll-Highways, I drove on I-90 both getting to Rochester then leaving it to go to Buffalo. It had maybe a third of it under construction thus the speeds were reduced and traffic was more congested.