My third trip in just over two years. Of course I wanted to again visit with my former Tennessee high school classmate. We reconnected about five years ago and have regularly stayed in touch by email.

However, I would probably not considered this third time to Orlando in such a short time if my first cousin had not found me via LinkedIn. We have not seen each other since we were little kids. In fact, I cannot even remember actually when or where that last visit would have been.

One of her adult children started asking questions about the family history. From her father, she knew I had done much research on the family history. So she reached out. Since she does not travel much as an adult (although she traveled quite a bit while growing up) I knew I had to be the visitor. It was worth it.

I really lucked out and stayed in the northeast part of the Orlando metro area -- Winter Park and Lake Mary area. They are nice areas and my two-day hotel was in a section that look much like the Corporate Woods area of Johnson County KS.