I had often heard of this city and knew it was on the beautiful southwest coast of Florida so that is the main reason to come to rown.

What a disappointment. I knew that at the Naples Zoo (yes, small town Naples has a zoo, just like I recently discovered that small town Emporia KS has a zoo) there is the Caribbean Gardens. I wanted to visit it but one must pay the zoo fee since they are combined. The lady told me there is a separate Botanical Gardens but was unspecific on just where it is. I tried to find it but Garmin did not know of it. I missed having Google Maps at that point. I later looked at their website and was disappointed to have missed visiting it. However, it was raining while I was in Naples so could not have gotten out the camera anyway. Sigh!

Next door to the zoo is the Naples Conservatory. It was small plus it was raining while I was there. I found a small gazebo and snapped a few photos from under it.