Vacation 2015 - Sarles Cemetery and Lane in Hannacroix NY

Sarles Cemetery and Lane NY

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Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   1 of 8 (#6508)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   2 of 8 (#6519)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   3 of 8 (#6520)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   4 of 8 (#6521)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   5 of 8 (#6522)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   6 of 8 (#6523)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   7 of 8 (#6524)

Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   8 of 8 (#6525)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   1 of 10 (#6512)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   2 of 10 (#6513)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   3 of 10 (#6514)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   4 of 10 (#6515)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   5 of 10 (#6516)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   6 of 10 (#6517)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   7 of 10 (#6518)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   8 of 10 (#6530)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY   9 of 10 (#6531)

Things immedately adjacent to Sarles Cemetery in Hannacroix NY  10 of 10 (#6532)

Sarles Lane in Hannacroix NY   1 of 4 (#6526)

Sarles Lane in Hannacroix NY   2 of 4 (#6527)

Sarles Lane in Hannacroix NY   3 of 4 (#6528)

Sarles Lane in Hannacroix NY   4 of 4 (#6529)

Stanton Hill Cemetery (near Sarles Cemetery) in Hannacroix NY   1 of 3 (#6505)

Stanton Hill Cemetery (near Sarles Cemetery) in Hannacroix NY   2 of 3 (#6506)

Stanton Hill Cemetery (near Sarles Cemetery) in Hannacroix NY   3 of 3 (#6507)