Vacation 2015 - Poughkeepsie NY

Area around Poughkeepsie NY

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Poughkeepsie NY  1 of 6 (#6623)

Poughkeepsie NY  2 of 6 (#6624)

Poughkeepsie NY  3 of 6 (#6625)

Poughkeepsie NY  4 of 6 (#6626)

Poughkeepsie NY  5 of 6 (#6627)

Poughkeepsie NY  6 of 6 (#6628)

River Front restaurant (see from the river dide, good lunch) in Poughkeepsie NY  1 of 1 (#6631)

City park on Hudson River in Poughkeepsie NY  1 of 2 (#6633)

City park on Hudson River in Poughkeepsie NY  2 of 2 (#6632)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  1 of 8 (#6685)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  2 of 8 (#6686)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  3 of 8 (#6687)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  4 of 8 (#6688)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  5 of 8 (#6689)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  6 of 8 (#6690)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  7 of 8 (#6691)

Spring has arrived in Poughkeepsie NY  8 of 8 (#6692)