Vacation 2015 - Red Skelton Museum in Vincennes IN

The Red Skelton Museum in Vincennes IN

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Red Skelton Museum  1 of 8 (#7787)

Red Skelton Museum  2 of 8 (#7786)

Red Skelton Museum  3 of 8 (#7830)

Red Skelton Museum  4 of 8 (#7831)

Red Skelton Museum  5 of 8 (#7832)

Red Skelton Museum  6 of 8 (#7833)

Red Skelton Museum  7 of 8 (#7834)

Red Skelton Museum  8 of 8 (#7835)

Red Skelton and His Life  1 of 28 (#7788)

Red Skelton and His Life  2 of 28 (#7789)

Red Skelton and His Life  3 of 28 (#7790)

Red Skelton and His Life  4 of 28 (#7791)

Red Skelton and His Life  5 of 28 (#7792)

Red Skelton and His Life  6 of 28 (#7793)

Red Skelton and His Life  7 of 28 (#7794)

Red Skelton and His Life  8 of 28 (#7795)

Red Skelton and His Life  9 of 28 (#7796)

Red Skelton and His Life 10 of 28 (#7797)

Red Skelton and His Life 11 of 28 (#7798)

Red Skelton and His Life 12 of 28 (#7799)

Red Skelton and His Life 13 of 28 (#7800)

Red Skelton and His Life 14 of 28 (#7801)

Red Skelton and His Life 15 of 28 (#7802)

Red Skelton and His Life 16 of 28 (#7803)

Red Skelton and His Life 17 of 28 (#7804)

Red Skelton and His Life 18 of 28 (#7805)

Red Skelton and His Life 19 of 28 (#7806)

Red Skelton and His Life 20 of 28 (#7807)

Red Skelton and His Life 21 of 28 (#7814)

Red Skelton and His Life 22 of 28 (#7815)

Red Skelton and His Life 23 of 28 (#7816)

Red Skelton and His Life 24 of 28 (#7817)

Red Skelton and His Life 25 of 28 (#7818)

Red Skelton and His Life 26 of 28 (#7819)

Red Skelton and His Life 27 of 28 (#7820)

Red Skelton and His Life 28 of 28 (#7821)

Red Skelton and His Life 29 of 28 (#7827)

Red Skelton and His Famous Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance  1 of 6 (#7822)

Red Skelton and His Famous Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance  2 of 6 (#7826)

Red Skelton and His Famous Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance  3 of 6 (#7823)

Red Skelton and His Famous Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance  4 of 6 (#7824)

Red Skelton and His Famous Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance  5 of 6 (#7825)

Clowning at the Red Skelton Museum  1 of 3 (#7808)

Clowning at the Red Skelton Museum  2 of 3 (#7810)

Clowning at the Red Skelton Museum  3 of 3 (#7812)