Vacation 2014 - Ohio and Neighbor States

Click any of the below places/topics to view the associated pictures.

Click here to get a general description of the trip

NOTE:  - hover the mouse pointer over a picture to see its caption, the # at the end is the picture reference #

   President William Harrison

   Indiana State Capitol
   President Benjamin Harrison
   Ball State University in Muncie

   Michigan State Capitol
   Michigan State Univ. in East Lansing

   Univesity of Michigan
   President Gerald Ford Library

   President Rutherford B. Hayes

   President James Garfield

   President William McKinley

   Kent State University

   Searles 115th Reunion

   President Warren Harding


   Ohio State Capitol
   Ohio State University

   President Howard Taft
   Xavier University
   University of Cincinnati

   President Zachary Taylor

   Kentucky State Capitol
   University of Kentucky in Lexington

   President Andrew Johnson

   University of Tennessee

   President Andrew Jackson
   Tennessee State Capitol
   Tennessee State University
   Vanderbilt University

   President James Polk

   Sites of Jackson

   Memphis University
   Memphis Botanical Garden