Vacation 2012 Summer - President Pierce Homes

The homes of President Pierce in Hillsborough and Concord NH

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President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: sign of operations (#1970)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: #1 of 2 front views (#1972)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: #2 of 2 front views (#1973)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: side view from across the street (#1974)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: sign for historical purposes (#1975)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: Colonial house across the street (#1971)

President Franklin Pierce childhood home in Hillsborough NH: nearby highway sign (#1976)

President Franklin Pierce The Pierce Manse in Concord NH: sign for historical purposes (#1977)

President Franklin Pierce The Pierce Manse in Concord NH: #1 of 2 of the privately owned house in a thunderstorm (#1978)

President Franklin Pierce The Pierce Manse in Concord NH: #2 of 2 of the privately owned house in a thunderstorm (#1979)