Rumford (pop. 4,800) is a scattered town. There are three towns in a ten mile stretch with "Rumford" in its name. The Rumford proper is one of the larger towns in the area. It is built in a mountain valley and along a river.

Rumford has a nice looking waterfall near the confluence of two rivers. This is near where their power plant is located.

Rumford is the birthplace of their native son, Edmund Muskie. Edmund was a long-serving U.S. Senator as well as Secretary of State for President Carter. He died in 1998.

A large Paul Bunyan figure stands outside the visitors center. There are similar ones in Wisconsin towns.

The main two things we remember about Rumford are the fact that five emergency vehicles went by in a matter of five minutes. Two ambulances, one fire truck and two police cars. Never did see where they went to.

The other thing we remember about Rumsford is that it is a very foul smelling town. Maybe that was the power plant. Glad to get out of there.