A strange handwritten letter to eight year old Yvonne Jeanette Searls which said: Clear Lake Iowa Dec, 21, 1916 Miss Evon Searls Clear Lake Iowa My dear Girl: I recently mailed you a check for $1000 for telephone and gas rents, however I now find you have overcharged me $900 so will you please return same to me at once as I need the money very much. However if you will consent to be my wife you can invest the $900 in furniture for our home where we will live happy for all time. The wedding day must come soon for I am so lonesome. Dress up in a white muslin dress with a lace curtain over your head, black shoes, white stockings and black gloves. I will buy you a red traveling coat to wear on our wedding trip to Alaska where I expect to strike a gold mine. In case you cannot marry me let me know at once, for another girl is waiting for me, but she has red hair and is cross-eyed and pigeon toed so I would rather have you. Hoping to hear from you soon. Your devoted lovey duckey darling lamb. [S__0068]