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?1190 EN to 1242 ?EN
?1190 EN to 1242 ?EN
Search.........Person PAF-ID.........09066870 Gender.........male Status.........deceased Age............52y 0m 0d Last-Marital...married Fam-Group......SEARLS Fam-ID.........BOLD Citizenship....foreign |
#Marriages.....1 #Divorces......0 #Sources.......1 #Events........1 #Images:.......0 #Comments......1 #Siblings......0 #Children......1 |
Person-Type....A Immigrant? Immig-Known? Parent?........father Spouse?........husband Sibling? Child?......... Adopted?....... |
Title(s)....... Ancestor.......double ancestor RelatedToMe.... Gen-#..........26 Ahn-#.......... Religion....... PoliticParty... Ht/Wt/Eye/Hair. Burial......... |
Spouse(s) and Children
- Marriage: 1219 ?Lancashire county, England
- Spouse: Mrs. AGNES BOLD, female, born:1200 Bold, Lancashire county, England, died:1290 (90y 0m 0d) Bold, Lancashire county, England, Anc:2
- ..Child: ALICIA BOLD, female, born:1225 Prescot, Lancashire county, England, died:1312-12 (87y 11m 0d) Bold, Lancashire county, England, Anc:2, Dad:MATTHEW BOLD, Mom:AGNES BOLD
Birth: 1190 y0m0d
Married: 1219 , Age:29y0m0d, Role:groom
Death: 1242 , Age:52y0m0d
Birth: 1190 y0m0d
Married: 1219 , Age:29y0m0d, Role:groom
Death: 1242 , Age:52y0m0d
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Mother's Name
Father's Name
Mother's Name
1190: Italy - King Philip and King Richard I set sail from Sicily to attack the Middle East, the fleet with Richard is scattered by fierce winds and is forced to seek shelter on Crete and Rhodes, three of his ships sink near the coast of Cyprus, Richard lands his crews and attacks the locals with archers and armored knights, the following day, Cypriot nobles sought audience and pledged allegience to the King of England, Richard thereafer used Cyprus as a supply bridge on the way to Jerusalem
1192: India - Afghan ruler Muhammad of Ghor defeats Prithvi Raj and captures Delhi, founding the Delhi Sultanate, first Moslem empire in India, which lasts until 1398
1192: Israel - Richard the Lionhearted leads the Third Crusade that captures the Acre fortress in the Holy Land and negotiates a truce with Saladin to ensure Christian access to holy sites in Jerusalem
1192: Israel - Saladin and the Crusaders enter into the Peace of Ramla, leaving the Crusaders with a strip of coastal territory
1194: Austria - King Richard I the Lionhearted, returning from Third Crusade, is captured by Austrian Emperor Henry VI, and is freed in 1194 only after payment of a huge ransom
1194: China - Yellow River in China drastically changes Its course from north to south of the Shantung Peninsula
1198: Italy - Innocent III elected as Roman Catholic Pope, Innocent promotes a Fourth Crusade, which is diverted by Venetian merchants and displaced Byzantine princes into an attack against the Byzantine emperor
1199: France - Richard The Lionhearted dies of an arrow wound while besieging Chalus in western France
1200: France - Phillip II, King of France, Issues a charter establishing the University of Paris which offers a traditional liberal education
1202-1204: Italy, Sicily - Henry, King of Sicily, requests a Fourth Crusade (of nine), Pope Innocent III Issues a call which is primarily answered by the French baronage who travel to Egypt by sea aided by the Venetians who request the Crusaders to capture the Christian city of Zara which Pope Innocent opposes so he excommunicates the Crusaders
1202: Denmark - Valdemar II assumes the Danish throne at the death of his brother, Valdemar expands the Danish Empire to Include northern Germany
1203: France - Philip Augustus expels English from Normandy and conquers the province
1204: Turkey - After a six month seige, Constantinople falls to Crusaders, who massacre the Inhabitants, in France, Chateau Gaillard (originally built by King Richard the Lionhearted) on the Seine River falls to besiegers who climb up the latrine shaft
1206: Mongolia - Temujin holds khuriltai and is proclaimed Genghis Khan, leader of all Mongols, and establishes the Mongolian capital at Karakorum, the empire Includes much of northern China (where he later founds the Yuan Dynasty) and Korea, he then turns his attentions to Persia
1212: Spain - Las Navas de Tolosa Battle, Christian Spanish King Alfonso VIII of Leon and Castile defeats the Muslim Almohades ending Muslim rule in Iberia
1213: China - Genghis Khan attacks Chin Empire of northern China
1215: England - English barons force King John I Lackland to sign the Magna Carta at Runnemede, It grants the rights of trial by jury and protection from arbitrary acts by the King, John later repudiates the Magna Charta, leading to the First Barons War (1215-1217)
1216: Italy - Roman Catholic Pope Innocent III Issues a call for the Fourth Crusade
1217-1221: Egypt - The Fifth Crusade (of nine) is directed against Egypt, on the theory that Jerusalem can be held only If Egypt is held, the Crusade fails
1217: England, France - Civil war divides England after King John dies, French prince Louise occupies part of England but is defeated at the Battle of Lincoln then lose their fleet at the naval Battle of Sandwich
1228-1229: Israel - Frederick II leads the Sixth Crusade (of nine) and gains control of Jerusalem through diplomatic means by signing a treaty with Malik al-Kamil, nephew of Saladin which gives Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth and a corridor to the port of Acre to Frederick who has himself crowned King of Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on March 18
1228: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols defeat Russian princes, but this being a reconnaisance mission, the victory is not consolidated
1229: Iran - Great Genghis Khan dies, his empire Included much of the Persian Empire and the Steppes of Russia, he is succeeded by his third son, Ogadai "the Great Khan" who subdued the Chin dynasty in northern China and ravaged much of eastern Europe
1229: Israel - Christians retake Jerusalem and hold onto It for ten years
1231: Mongolia, Korea - Mongols Invade Korea
1231: Sicliy - Frederick I Issues The Golden Bull of Sicily, It is a complete reorganization of Sicily Including a code of laws
1232: China - Chinese use rockets in battle for the first time, demonstrating the military use of gunpowder, thus, Its use quickly spreads to many other countries
1232: England - King of England Issues the Royal Charter for Coal Fields for the development of the coal fields in New Castle, coal quickly becomes a source of energy
1236: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols return to Russian, and in four year period subjugate the country
1236: Spain - Ferdinand III captured Cordoba from the Moors in Spain leaving only Granada in Moorish hands
1240: Mongolia, Russia - Mongol leader Batu Khan (son of Juchi, oldest son of Genghis Khan) razes Kiev, curtailing growth of Kievan Russia, and permitting Muscovite Russia to emerge as dominant force in Russian life
1240: Russia, Sweden - Alexander Nevsky, a Russian prince, repels the Swedes near St. Petersburg after Pope Gregory IX asked the Swedes to punish the Orthodox Russians for helping the Finns avoid conversion to Latin Catholicism
1241: Mongolia, Hungary - Mongols defeat Bela IV at Muhi, and occupy Hungary for a year
1190: Italy - King Philip and King Richard I set sail from Sicily to attack the Middle East, the fleet with Richard is scattered by fierce winds and is forced to seek shelter on Crete and Rhodes, three of his ships sink near the coast of Cyprus, Richard lands his crews and attacks the locals with archers and armored knights, the following day, Cypriot nobles sought audience and pledged allegience to the King of England, Richard thereafer used Cyprus as a supply bridge on the way to Jerusalem
1192: India - Afghan ruler Muhammad of Ghor defeats Prithvi Raj and captures Delhi, founding the Delhi Sultanate, first Moslem empire in India, which lasts until 1398
1192: Israel - Richard the Lionhearted leads the Third Crusade that captures the Acre fortress in the Holy Land and negotiates a truce with Saladin to ensure Christian access to holy sites in Jerusalem
1192: Israel - Saladin and the Crusaders enter into the Peace of Ramla, leaving the Crusaders with a strip of coastal territory
1194: Austria - King Richard I the Lionhearted, returning from Third Crusade, is captured by Austrian Emperor Henry VI, and is freed in 1194 only after payment of a huge ransom
1194: China - Yellow River in China drastically changes Its course from north to south of the Shantung Peninsula
1198: Italy - Innocent III elected as Roman Catholic Pope, Innocent promotes a Fourth Crusade, which is diverted by Venetian merchants and displaced Byzantine princes into an attack against the Byzantine emperor
1199: France - Richard The Lionhearted dies of an arrow wound while besieging Chalus in western France
1200: France - Phillip II, King of France, Issues a charter establishing the University of Paris which offers a traditional liberal education
1202-1204: Italy, Sicily - Henry, King of Sicily, requests a Fourth Crusade (of nine), Pope Innocent III Issues a call which is primarily answered by the French baronage who travel to Egypt by sea aided by the Venetians who request the Crusaders to capture the Christian city of Zara which Pope Innocent opposes so he excommunicates the Crusaders
1202: Denmark - Valdemar II assumes the Danish throne at the death of his brother, Valdemar expands the Danish Empire to Include northern Germany
1203: France - Philip Augustus expels English from Normandy and conquers the province
1204: Turkey - After a six month seige, Constantinople falls to Crusaders, who massacre the Inhabitants, in France, Chateau Gaillard (originally built by King Richard the Lionhearted) on the Seine River falls to besiegers who climb up the latrine shaft
1206: Mongolia - Temujin holds khuriltai and is proclaimed Genghis Khan, leader of all Mongols, and establishes the Mongolian capital at Karakorum, the empire Includes much of northern China (where he later founds the Yuan Dynasty) and Korea, he then turns his attentions to Persia
1212: Spain - Las Navas de Tolosa Battle, Christian Spanish King Alfonso VIII of Leon and Castile defeats the Muslim Almohades ending Muslim rule in Iberia
1213: China - Genghis Khan attacks Chin Empire of northern China
1215: England - English barons force King John I Lackland to sign the Magna Carta at Runnemede, It grants the rights of trial by jury and protection from arbitrary acts by the King, John later repudiates the Magna Charta, leading to the First Barons War (1215-1217)
1216: Italy - Roman Catholic Pope Innocent III Issues a call for the Fourth Crusade
1217-1221: Egypt - The Fifth Crusade (of nine) is directed against Egypt, on the theory that Jerusalem can be held only If Egypt is held, the Crusade fails
1217: England, France - Civil war divides England after King John dies, French prince Louise occupies part of England but is defeated at the Battle of Lincoln then lose their fleet at the naval Battle of Sandwich
1228-1229: Israel - Frederick II leads the Sixth Crusade (of nine) and gains control of Jerusalem through diplomatic means by signing a treaty with Malik al-Kamil, nephew of Saladin which gives Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth and a corridor to the port of Acre to Frederick who has himself crowned King of Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on March 18
1228: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols defeat Russian princes, but this being a reconnaisance mission, the victory is not consolidated
1229: Iran - Great Genghis Khan dies, his empire Included much of the Persian Empire and the Steppes of Russia, he is succeeded by his third son, Ogadai "the Great Khan" who subdued the Chin dynasty in northern China and ravaged much of eastern Europe
1229: Israel - Christians retake Jerusalem and hold onto It for ten years
1231: Mongolia, Korea - Mongols Invade Korea
1231: Sicliy - Frederick I Issues The Golden Bull of Sicily, It is a complete reorganization of Sicily Including a code of laws
1232: China - Chinese use rockets in battle for the first time, demonstrating the military use of gunpowder, thus, Its use quickly spreads to many other countries
1232: England - King of England Issues the Royal Charter for Coal Fields for the development of the coal fields in New Castle, coal quickly becomes a source of energy
1236: Mongolia, Russia - Mongols return to Russian, and in four year period subjugate the country
1236: Spain - Ferdinand III captured Cordoba from the Moors in Spain leaving only Granada in Moorish hands
1240: Mongolia, Russia - Mongol leader Batu Khan (son of Juchi, oldest son of Genghis Khan) razes Kiev, curtailing growth of Kievan Russia, and permitting Muscovite Russia to emerge as dominant force in Russian life
1240: Russia, Sweden - Alexander Nevsky, a Russian prince, repels the Swedes near St. Petersburg after Pope Gregory IX asked the Swedes to punish the Orthodox Russians for helping the Finns avoid conversion to Latin Catholicism
1241: Mongolia, Hungary - Mongols defeat Bela IV at Muhi, and occupy Hungary for a year