Name Info
?1351 EN to 1384-1397 ?EN
?1351 EN to 1384-1397 ?EN
Search.........Person PAF-ID.........09066793 Gender.........female Status.........deceased Age............33y 0m 0d Last-Marital...married Fam-Group......SEARLS Fam-ID.........ENGLISH Citizenship....foreign |
#Marriages.....1 #Divorces......0 #Sources.......1 #Events........1 #Images:.......1 #Comments......0 #Siblings......0 #Children......1 |
Person-Type....A Immigrant? Immig-Known? Parent?........mother Spouse?........wife Sibling?.......sister Child?......... Adopted?....... |
Title(s)....... Ancestor.......double ancestor RelatedToMe.... Gen-#..........21 Ahn-#.......... Religion....... PoliticParty... Ht/Wt/Eye/Hair. Burial......... |
Spouse(s) and Children
- Marriage: 1383 ?England
- Spouse: NICHOLAS HARRINGTON, male, born:1344 Lancashire county, England, died:1397-1449 (53y 0m 0d) ?England, Anc:2
- ..Child: MARGARET HARRINGTON, female, born:1384 Lancashire county, England, died:1407-1472 (23y 0m 0d) , Anc:2, Dad:NICHOLAS HARRINGTON, Mom:ISABEL ENGLISH
Birth: 1351 y0m0d
Married: 1383 , Age:32y0m0d, ?England">England, Role:bride
Death: 1384-1397, Age:33y0m0d, ?England">England
Birth: 1351 y0m0d
Married: 1383 , Age:32y0m0d, ?England">England, Role:bride
Death: 1384-1397, Age:33y0m0d, ?England">England
Need Info
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Mother's Name
1353: Switzerland - Switzerland is established as a unified country
1356: England, France - Battle in Poitiers, the French defeat Black Prince of Wales Edward, the French king, John II, and his son, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, are taken prisoners at Poitiers, John is brought to England which results in civil chaos in France
1360: England, France - Treaty of Calias, England and France sign a treaty on October 24th, John II of France is ransomed and Edward III renounces his claim to the French throne
1364: Uzbekistan - Timur (Tamerlane) captures Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
1368: China - Chu Yuan-chang, a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk who had become a rebel army leader, emerged as successor to Kublai Khan, founding the Ming dynasty, with a capital at Nanking
1369: Netherlands - Amsterdam joins Hanseatic League
1371: Turkey, Bulgaria - Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Maritsa River (Bulgaria)
1372-1375: England, France - Hundred Years War resumes when the French fleet defeats the British fleet off La Rochelle y France, the French are helped by a powerful fleet from Castile, the Truce of Bruges is signed on June 27, 1375 limiting British presence in France to Calia, Brest, Bordeaux and Bayonne
1381: England - The Peasants Revolt led by Wat Tyler create anarchy throughout England burning a number of public buildings and beheading the archbishop of Canterbury, King Richard puts down the riot and Tyler is killed
1381: Italy - War of Chioggia, Venetian fleet under Vittoria Pisano defeat the Genoans, It begins the golden age of Venice
1384: Uzbekistan - Timur captures Herat, Sistan, Rayy, and Il-Khanid (the capital of Sultaniyeh)
1353: Switzerland - Switzerland is established as a unified country
1356: England, France - Battle in Poitiers, the French defeat Black Prince of Wales Edward, the French king, John II, and his son, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, are taken prisoners at Poitiers, John is brought to England which results in civil chaos in France
1360: England, France - Treaty of Calias, England and France sign a treaty on October 24th, John II of France is ransomed and Edward III renounces his claim to the French throne
1364: Uzbekistan - Timur (Tamerlane) captures Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
1368: China - Chu Yuan-chang, a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk who had become a rebel army leader, emerged as successor to Kublai Khan, founding the Ming dynasty, with a capital at Nanking
1369: Netherlands - Amsterdam joins Hanseatic League
1371: Turkey, Bulgaria - Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks at Maritsa River (Bulgaria)
1372-1375: England, France - Hundred Years War resumes when the French fleet defeats the British fleet off La Rochelle y France, the French are helped by a powerful fleet from Castile, the Truce of Bruges is signed on June 27, 1375 limiting British presence in France to Calia, Brest, Bordeaux and Bayonne
1381: England - The Peasants Revolt led by Wat Tyler create anarchy throughout England burning a number of public buildings and beheading the archbishop of Canterbury, King Richard puts down the riot and Tyler is killed
1381: Italy - War of Chioggia, Venetian fleet under Vittoria Pisano defeat the Genoans, It begins the golden age of Venice
1384: Uzbekistan - Timur captures Herat, Sistan, Rayy, and Il-Khanid (the capital of Sultaniyeh)