Name Info
?1341 ?EN to 1365-1431 ?EN
?1341 ?EN to 1365-1431 ?EN
Search.........Person PAF-ID.........09066315 Gender.........male Status.........deceased Age............24y 0m 0d Last-Marital...married Fam-Group......MOORE Fam-ID.........SAVILLE Citizenship....foreign |
#Marriages.....1 #Divorces......0 #Sources.......1 #Events........1 #Images:.......1 #Comments......0 #Siblings......0 #Children......1 |
Person-Type....A Immigrant? Immig-Known? Parent?........father Spouse?........husband Sibling? Child?......... Adopted?....... |
Title(s)....... Ancestor.......double ancestor RelatedToMe.... Gen-#..........21 Ahn-#.......... Religion....... PoliticParty... Ht/Wt/Eye/Hair. Burial......... |
Spouse(s) and Children
- Marriage: 1364 Yorkshire county, England
- Spouse: ELLEN COPLEY, female, born:1347 Yorkshire county, England, died:1367-1437 (20y 0m 0d) Dewsbury, Yorkshire county, England, Anc:2
- ..Child: HENRY SAVILLE, male, born:1365 ?England, died:1390-1455 (25y 0m 0d) ?England, Anc:2, Dad:HENRY SAVILLE, Mom:ELLEN COPLEY
Birth: 1341 y0m0d, ?England">England
Married: 1364 , Age:23y0m0d, Thornton Hall, Role:groom
Death: 1365-1431, Age:24y0m0d, ?England">England
Birth: 1341 y0m0d, ?England">England
Married: 1364 , Age:23y0m0d, Thornton Hall, Role:groom
Death: 1365-1431, Age:24y0m0d, ?England">England
Need Info
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Mother's Name
1346: England, France - Edward III of England defeats Philip VI of France at Crecy en Ponthieu, English longbowmen so far eclipse Genoese crossbowmen that the long bow replaces the cross bow as an Instrument of war
1347-1353: Europe - The Black Death (aka. bubonic plague) spreads throughout Europe, It is the worse natural disaster in European history, an estimated 19 to 35 million die, the plague is spread by rats Infested by Infected fleas, the plague originated in the East and ships carrying Infected vermin came to the Island of Sicily then spread northward, a bizarre effect of the plague was the large-scale outbreak of anti-semitism from the belief that the Jews caused the plague
1348: Poland - Casimir III the King of Poland starts the University Of Kracow
1353: Switzerland - Switzerland is established as a unified country
1356: England, France - Battle in Poitiers, the French defeat Black Prince of Wales Edward, the French king, John II, and his son, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, are taken prisoners at Poitiers, John is brought to England which results in civil chaos in France
1360: England, France - Treaty of Calias, England and France sign a treaty on October 24th, John II of France is ransomed and Edward III renounces his claim to the French throne
1364: Uzbekistan - Timur (Tamerlane) captures Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
1346: England, France - Edward III of England defeats Philip VI of France at Crecy en Ponthieu, English longbowmen so far eclipse Genoese crossbowmen that the long bow replaces the cross bow as an Instrument of war
1347-1353: Europe - The Black Death (aka. bubonic plague) spreads throughout Europe, It is the worse natural disaster in European history, an estimated 19 to 35 million die, the plague is spread by rats Infested by Infected fleas, the plague originated in the East and ships carrying Infected vermin came to the Island of Sicily then spread northward, a bizarre effect of the plague was the large-scale outbreak of anti-semitism from the belief that the Jews caused the plague
1348: Poland - Casimir III the King of Poland starts the University Of Kracow
1353: Switzerland - Switzerland is established as a unified country
1356: England, France - Battle in Poitiers, the French defeat Black Prince of Wales Edward, the French king, John II, and his son, Philip the Bold of Burgundy, are taken prisoners at Poitiers, John is brought to England which results in civil chaos in France
1360: England, France - Treaty of Calias, England and France sign a treaty on October 24th, John II of France is ransomed and Edward III renounces his claim to the French throne
1364: Uzbekistan - Timur (Tamerlane) captures Samarkand (Uzbekistan)