Name Info


Age............55y 0m 0d




Parents and Siblings
  1. Parent: TALRAN TATESHAM, male, born:1400 Kent county England, died:1485 (85y 0m 0d) England, Anc:1, Dad:THOMAS TATESHAM, Mom:{_?_} TATESHAM, #M:1, #SrcDocs:1
  2. Parent: ALICE TALRAN, female, born:1405 England, died:1480 (75y 0m 0d) England, Anc:1, #M:1, #Cmnts:1, #SrcDocs:1

Spouse(s) and Children
  1. Marriage: 1445
  2. Spouse: JOHN CLERKE II, male, born:1425 Wrotham (Kent) England, died:1480-12-09 (55y 11m 8d) Wrotham (Kent) England, Anc:1, Dad:JOHN CLERKE, Mom:AGNES SUSAN FORDE, #SrcDocs:2
  3. ..Child: JOHN CLERKE, male, born:1448 Wrotham (Kent) England, died:1497-07-06 (49y 6m 5d) Basildon (Essex) England, Anc:1, Dad:JOHN CLERKE II, Mom:ALICE TATESHAM, #Cmnts:1, #SrcDocs:1

: c1425 , Kent county England
: ?1445 , Age:20y 0m 0d, Role:bride
: 1480 , Age:55y 0m 0d, Wrotham, Kent county, England

Places In
Wrotham (Kent) England

Image(s) - hover Image IDs to popup full text
Z__0001 - Map of Counties of England


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family tree, missing father
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family, parents
family, parents
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1428: England, France - War between France and England continues despite various agreements, in 1428 the English beseige Orleans and Joan of Arc, a young girl from Lorrain, is visited by Saint Michael saying that she will have visions and hear voices from God, that convince the French dauphin to provide her with a small army that liberates Orleans, this gives the French new confidence in their conflict with England
1431: France - Joan of Arc enters Comiegne outside Paris and is taken prisoner, held in a tower in Rouen and Charles VII makes no effort to assist her, in 1431 Joan is turned over to the former bishop of the of Beauvais Pierre Cauchon on the assurance she would be convicted of treason against God and is burned at the stake on May 30
1431: Thailand, Cambodia - The Thais capture Angkor, the capital of the Khmer, the Khmer Empire move their capital to the present site of the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh
1435: England, France - Duke Philip of Burgundy, weary of his alliance with the English, signs a peace treaty with Charles VI which recognizes Charles as the one king of France who in turn promises to punish the murders of Philip's father, however, the English do not accept the peace treaty and warfare continues. Charles and Philip fight together and liberate Paris, a truce between Britain and France lasts thirteen years
1438: Peru - Inca Dynasty in Peru (it lasts until 1553) begins, Its founder is said to have been Pachacutec who rapidly expands the empire
1439: Italy, Turkey - Treaty between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church
1444: Turkey - Battle of Varna, Murad the Ottoman sultan attacks on Its Belgrade but is repeled, encouraged by victory, the Christians, whose goal has been to drive the Ottomans from Europe, declare a new Crusade led by Hunyadi
1450: Germany - Johannes Gutenberg Invents the printing press which revolutionizes communication and education, allows the development of newspapers and reasonably priced books, the first product printed is the Guttenberg Bible
1453: England, France - Battle of Castillon, French king Charles VI becomes the first king to maintain a standing army and attempts to reclaim Normandy defeat the English led by Talbot thus ending the Hundred Years War when the English surrender last outpost in Aquitaine
1453: Turkey - The ten century old Byzantine Empire ends when Muhammad II of Turkey captures Constantinople by hauling seventy small ships across land along with cannon that breached the wall of Constantinople
1454: Italy - Treaty of Lodi ends hostilities between Venice, Milan and Florence, the treaty was reached due to the efforts of Pope Nicholas V
1455: England - War of the Roses begins, a civil war between the houses of Lancaster and York and is limited to English nobility, the first battle was the Battle of St. Albans which took place near London, the Yorkist defeat the Royalist forces
1456: Portugal, Cape Verde Islands - Alivse da Cadamosto, employed by Henry the Navigator, discovers the Cape Verde Islands off the African coast near Dakar, the Islands are soon settled by the Portuguese who began to use It for the slave trade
1460: England - Battle of Wakefield, Queen Margaret of Anjou defeats and kills Richard Duke of York
1461: England - Battle of Towton Moors, in the War of Roses, the Royalist who wore red roses to battle are defeated by the Yorkist wearing white roses, Edward is crowned Edward IV King of England
1462: Turkey - Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II defeats Vlad IV ("Vlad the Impaler") of Walachia
1471: England - Battle of Tewkesbury, in the War of the Roses, Edward IV marries Elizabeth Woodville and is soon ousted by Earl of Warwick so that King Henry can return, Warwick is killed in the Battle of Barnet and Henry was returned to prison and Immediately killed and Margaret, his wife, continues the struggle but at the Battle of Tewkesbury her son is killed and she is captured
1471: Vietnam - Le Thanh-ton begins the Kingdom of Annam by capturing Vijaya the capital of the Cham (Vietnam)
1472: Turkey - Ivan III the Great marries the neice of the last Byzantine Emperor, It Increases Ivans prestige and helps him unify the various Russian principalities
1475: England, France - Treaty of Picquinty England's Edward IV Invaded France in support of the Burgundians. Edward was bought off by a payment and the promise of an annual allowance by Louus XI under the terms of the Treaty of Picquinty
1477: France - Battle of Nancy, Swiss fighting for Louis XI, kill Charles the Bold, the last of the Burgundy claimants to the throne, ends the constant battles for the French crown
1479: Italy, Turkey - Venice loses naval war to Turkey, together with most of her territories along the Aegean Sea
1479: Portugal, Spain - Treaty of Alcacovas, Portugal abandons Its claim to the both Castillian throne and the Canary Islands, in turn, Spain recognizes Portuguese primacy in Azores Islands along with the north and west African coasts
1480: Russia - Ivan III of Moscow assumes position of Tsar of Russia
1480: Turkey, Italy - Treaty of Constantinople ends the fifteen year war between the Ottomans and Venice, Venice is forced to cede cities along the Albanian coast and pay for the right to trade in the Black Sea