Name Info
1529 EN to 1591 EN
1529 EN to 1591 EN
Search.........Person PAF-ID.........09065633 Gender.........male Status.........deceased Age............62y 0m 0d Last-Marital...widowed Fam-Group......DEATON Fam-ID.........JORDAN Citizenship....foreign |
#Marriages.....1 #Divorces......0 #Sources.......1 #Events........1 #Images:.......3 #Comments......0 #Siblings......0 #Children......1 |
Person-Type....A Immigrant? Immig-Known? Parent?........father Spouse?........husband Sibling? Child?.........son Adopted?....... |
Title(s)....... Ancestor.......ancestor RelatedToMe.... Gen-#..........17 Ahn-#.......... Religion....... PoliticParty... Ht/Wt/Eye/Hair. Burial......... |
Parents and Siblings
- Parent: ROBERT JORDAN, male, born:1500 Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, died:1589-10-12 (89y 9m 11d) Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, Anc:1, Dad:ROBERT JORDAN, Mom:{_?_} JORDAN, #M:1, #Cmnts:1
- Parent: JANE COKER, female, born:1504 Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, died:1590 (86y 0m 0d) Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, Anc:1, #M:1
Spouse(s) and Children
- Marriage: 1549
- Spouse: AGNES ELIZABETH BURTE, female, born:1537 Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, died:1564 (27y 0m 0d) Melcombe Regis, Dorset county, England, Anc:1
- ..Child: ROBERT JORDAN, male, born:1562 ?England, died:1623-04 (61y 3m 0d) ?England, Anc:1, Dad:THOMAS JORDAN, Mom:AGNES ELIZABETH BURTE
Birth: 1529 y0m0d
Married: 1549 , Age:20y0m0d, Role:groom
Death: 1591 , Age:62y0m0d
Birth: 1529 y0m0d
Married: 1549 , Age:20y0m0d, Role:groom
Death: 1591 , Age:62y0m0d
D__0507 - Family Information of Thomas Jordan
D__0589 - Family Information of Thomas Jordan
Z__0001 - Map of Counties of England
D__0507 - Family Information of Thomas Jordan
D__0589 - Family Information of Thomas Jordan
Z__0001 - Map of Counties of England
Website, parents, two,,
Website, parents, two,,
Need Info
1529: Austria, Turkey - Siege of Vienna, Austrians defeat the Ottoman Empire
1529: Ethiopia - Battle of Shimbra, Kure Imam Ahmad Gragn defeats the Ethiopian Emperor Dawit II, the opening clash of the Ethiopian-Adal War
1529: Portugal, Spain - Treaty of Zaragoza defined the antimeridian of Tordesillas attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and Philippines to Spain
1531-1532: England - The Church of England breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church and recognizes King Henry VIII as the head of the Church
1531: Peru - The Inca Civil War is fought between the two brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar
1532: Spain, Peru - Francisco Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire
1533: England - Anne Boleyn becomes Queen of England
1533: England - Elizabeth Tudor is born
1534: France, Canada - Jacques Cartier claims Quebec for France
1534: France - Affair of the Placards, Francis becomes more active in repression of French Protestants
1534: Turkey, Iraq - Battle of Baghdad, Ottomans capture Baghdad
1535: Germany - The Munster Rebellion, an attempt of radical, millennialist, Anabaptists in Germany to establish a theocracy ends in bloodshed
1536: Argentina - Foundation of Buenos Aires by Pedro de Mendoza
1536: England - Anne Boleyn is beheaded for adultery and treason
1536: Portugal - Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal
1537: Portugal, Brazil - Portuguese establishes Recife in Pernambuco, north-east of Brazil
1538: Turkey, Spain, Italy - Battle of Preveza, Ottoman Turks defeat the Spanish-Venetian fleet
1539: North America - Hernando de Soto explores Inland North America
1541: Algeria, Spain - An Algerian military campaign by Charles V of Spain (Habsburg) is unsuccessful
1541: Brazil - Amazon River is discovered and explored by Francisco de Orellana
1541: Chile - Pedro de Valdivia founds Santiago de Chile
1541: Korea, Russia - Sahib I Giray of Crimea Invade Russia
1541: Turkey, Hungary - Capture of Buda and the absorption of the major part of Hungary by the Ottoman Empire
1542: France, England, Scotland - War resumes between Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V, this time Henry VIII is allied to the Emperor, while James V of Scotland and Sultan Suleiman I are allied to the French
1543: Ethiopia, Portugal - Battle of Wayna Daga, Ethiopian/Portuguese troops decisively defeat the Muslim army, Imam Ahmad Gragn killed
1543: Portugal, Japan - The Nanban trade period begins after Portuguese traders make contact with Japan
1544: France, Spain - Battle of Ceresole, French defeat an Imperial-Spanish army
1544: Scotland - Battle of the Shirts in Scotland, the Frasers and Macdonalds of Clan Ranald fight over a disputed chiefship, reportedly, 5 Frasers and 8 Macdonalds survive
1546: Italy - Michelangelo Buonarroti is made chief architect of St. Peters Basilica
1547: Russia - Grand Prince Ivan the Terrible is crowned tsar of (All)Russia, thenceforth becoming the first Russian tsar
1547: Spain, Italy, Hungary - Battle of Muhlberg, Emperor Charles V decisively dismantles the Schmalkaldic League
1548: China, Japan - The Ming Dynasty government of China Issues a decree banning all foreign trade and closes down all seaports along the coast, these Hai jin laws came during the Wokou wars with Japanese pirates
1548: Japan - Battle of Uedahara, firearms are used for the first time on the battlefield in Japan, and Takeda Shingen is defeated by Murakami Yoshikiyo
1549: El Salvador, Brazil - Tome de Souza establishes Salvador in Bahia, northeast of Brazil
1550-1551: Spain, Americas - Valladolid debate concerning the existence of souls in AmerIndians
1550: Mongolia, China - Mongols led by Altan Khan Invade China and besiege Beijing
1551: England - Fifth outbreak of sweating sickness in England, John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease
1551: Malta, Libya - North African pirates enslave the entire population of the Maltese Island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya
1552: Russia, Bulgaria - Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan
1553: England - Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England
1554: Brazil - Portuguese missionaries Jose de Anchieta and Manuel da Nobrega establishes Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil
1555: England, Russia - The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company
1556-1605: India - During his reign, Akbar expands the Mughal Empire in a series of conquests
1556: China - The Shaanxi Earthquake in China is the deadliest known earthquake in history
1556: Germany - Georgius Agricola of Germany, the "Father of Mineralogy", publishes his De re metallica
1556: India - Mir Chakar Khan Rind captured Delhi with Emperor Humayun
1556: India - Second Battle of Panipat, Akbar the Great defeats the Sultan of Bengal
1556: Italy - Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman Inquisition
1556: Italy - Publication in Venice of Delle Navigiationi et Viaggi (terzo volume) by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, secretary of Council of Ten, with plan La Terra de Hochelaga, an Illustration of Indian village Hochelaga
1556: Russia - Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate
1557: Portugal, China - The Portuguese settle in Macau in China
1557: Spain - Spain became the first sovereign nation in history to declare bankruptcy, Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596
1557: Turkey, Ethiopia - The Ottomans capture Massawa, all but Isolating Ethiopia from the rest of the world
1558-1583: Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Russia - Livonian War between Poland, Grand Principality of Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark and Russia
1558-1603: England - The Elizabethan era is considered the height of the English Renaissance
1558: England, France - After 200 years, the Kingdom of England loses Calais to France
1558: England - Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25
1559: Italy - With the Peace of Cateau Cambresis, the Italian Wars conclude
1560: Hungary - Erzsebet Bathory is born in Nyirbator, Hungary
1560: Japan - By winning the Battle of Okehazama, Oda Nobunaga becomes one of the pre-eminent warlords of Japan
1560: Turkey, Spain - Battle of Djerba, Ottoman navy defeats the Spanish fleet
1561: western Europe - Guido de Bres draws up the Belgic Confession of Protestant faith
1562-1598: France - French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots
1562: France - Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars of Religion
1562: India - Mughal leader Akbar reconciles the Muslim and Hindu factions by marrying into the powerful Rajput Hindu caste
1563: England - Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England, in London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease
1564: England - William Shakespeare baptized 26 April
1564: Italy - Galileo Galilei born on February 15
1565: Bazil - Estacio de Sa establishes Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
1565: India - Battle of Talikota fought between the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar and the Deccan sultanates
1565: Israel, Turkey - Siege of Malta, Hospitallers defeat the Ottoman Empire
1565: Pakistan - Mir Chakar Khan Rind dies at age of 97
1566–1648:: Spain, Netherlands - Eighty Years War between Spain and the Netherlands
1567: England, Scotland - Mary, Queen of Scots, is Imprisoned by Elizabeth I
1568-1570: Russia, Turkey - Russo-Turkish War (first of ten over the next 310 years), Russian victory, they were victorious in eight of the ten wars
1568-1571: Spain - Morisco Revolt in Spain
1568-1600: Japan - The Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan
1569: England - Rising of the North in England, also called the Revolt of the Northern Earls, and, Northern Rebellion, It is an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic noblemen from northern England to depose Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots
1569: Poland, Lithuiana - The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is created with the Union of Lublin, It lasts until 1795
1570: Russia - Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) orders the massacre of Inhabitants of Novgorod
1571: Italy, Turkey - Battle of Lepanto )off Greece), The Holy League destroys the Ottoman Empire navy in a five-hour battle
1571: Italy, Turkey - Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks
1571: Ukraine, Russia - Crimean Tatars (or Tartars) attack and sack Moscow, burning everything but the Kremlin
1571: United States - Spanish missionaries are murdered by Indians at the later Jamestown Settlement, Virginia
1572: France - Catherine de Medici Instigates the St. Bartholomew Day massacre which takes the lives of Protestant leader Gaspard de Coligny and thousands of Huguenots, the violence spreads from Paris to other cities and the countryside
1572: Peru - Spanish conquistadores apprehend the last Inca leader Tupak Amaru at Vilcabamba, Peru, and execute him in Cuzco
1572: Portugal - First edition of the epic The Lusiads of Luis Vaz de Camoes, three years after the Portugese author returns from the East
1572: Spain, Netherlands, Austria - Brielle is taken from the House of Habsburg (also called the House of Austria) Spain by Protestant Watergeuzen in the Capture of Brielle during the Eighty Years War
1573: Spain, Netherlands - Siege of Haarlem, after heavy losses on both sides, the Spanish gain a victory
1574: Netherlands, Spain - After a siege of four months the Siege of Leiden ends in a comprehensive Dutch victory
1574: Spain, Netherlands - In the Eighty Years War the capital of Zeeland, Middelburg declares for the Protestants
1575: Japan - Oda Nobunaga finally captures Nagashima fortress in Japan
1576: Spain, Netherlands - Sack of Antwerp by badly paid Spanish soldiers
1577-1580: globe - Francis Drake circles the world
1578: Netherlands, Spain - Battle of Alcazarquivir, King Sebastian of Portugal is killed
1579: Netherlands, Spain - The Union of Arras unifies the southern Netherlands, a foundation for the later states of the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands and Belgium
1579: Netherlands - The Union of Utrecht unifies the northern Netherlands, a foundation for the later Dutch Republic
1580: Netherlands, Spain - Royal reception after his attacks on Spanish possessions, influences Philip II of Spain to build up the Spanish Armada, English ships in Spanish harbours are Impounded
1580: Spain, Portugal - Spain unifies with Portugal under Philip II, the struggle for the throne of Portugal ends the Portuguese Empire, the Spanish and Portuguese crowns are united for 60 years, ie until 1640
1582: Italy - Pope Gregory XIII Issues the Gregorian calendar, It took several centuries before being adoped by most all non-Catholic countries but It is still in use world wide today
1582: Russia - Yermak Timofeyevich conquers the Siberia Khanate on behalf of the Stroganovs
1584-1585: Netherlands - After the Siege of Antwerp, many of Its merchants flee to Amsterdam
1585-1604: Spain, New World - The Anglo-Spanish War is fought on both sides of the Atlantic
1585: United States - in Roanoke, Virginia, the first English colony in America, is born the first white baby, Virginia Dare
1587: England - Queen Elizabeth authorizes the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, for allegedly plotting against her
1588: England, Spain - England (with help from the weather) defeats the Spanish Armada
1589: Spain, England - Spain repulses the English Armada
1590: United States - Roanoke, Virginia "disappears", becoming "The Lost Colony"
1591: Morocco, Mali - In Mali, Moroccan forces of the Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur led by Judar Pasha defeat the Songhai Empire at the Battle of Tondibi
1591: Poland, Russia - Gazi Giray leads a huge Tatar/Tartar expedition against Moscow
1529: Austria, Turkey - Siege of Vienna, Austrians defeat the Ottoman Empire
1529: Ethiopia - Battle of Shimbra, Kure Imam Ahmad Gragn defeats the Ethiopian Emperor Dawit II, the opening clash of the Ethiopian-Adal War
1529: Portugal, Spain - Treaty of Zaragoza defined the antimeridian of Tordesillas attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and Philippines to Spain
1531-1532: England - The Church of England breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church and recognizes King Henry VIII as the head of the Church
1531: Peru - The Inca Civil War is fought between the two brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar
1532: Spain, Peru - Francisco Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire
1533: England - Anne Boleyn becomes Queen of England
1533: England - Elizabeth Tudor is born
1534: France, Canada - Jacques Cartier claims Quebec for France
1534: France - Affair of the Placards, Francis becomes more active in repression of French Protestants
1534: Turkey, Iraq - Battle of Baghdad, Ottomans capture Baghdad
1535: Germany - The Munster Rebellion, an attempt of radical, millennialist, Anabaptists in Germany to establish a theocracy ends in bloodshed
1536: Argentina - Foundation of Buenos Aires by Pedro de Mendoza
1536: England - Anne Boleyn is beheaded for adultery and treason
1536: Portugal - Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal
1537: Portugal, Brazil - Portuguese establishes Recife in Pernambuco, north-east of Brazil
1538: Turkey, Spain, Italy - Battle of Preveza, Ottoman Turks defeat the Spanish-Venetian fleet
1539: North America - Hernando de Soto explores Inland North America
1541: Algeria, Spain - An Algerian military campaign by Charles V of Spain (Habsburg) is unsuccessful
1541: Brazil - Amazon River is discovered and explored by Francisco de Orellana
1541: Chile - Pedro de Valdivia founds Santiago de Chile
1541: Korea, Russia - Sahib I Giray of Crimea Invade Russia
1541: Turkey, Hungary - Capture of Buda and the absorption of the major part of Hungary by the Ottoman Empire
1542: France, England, Scotland - War resumes between Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V, this time Henry VIII is allied to the Emperor, while James V of Scotland and Sultan Suleiman I are allied to the French
1543: Ethiopia, Portugal - Battle of Wayna Daga, Ethiopian/Portuguese troops decisively defeat the Muslim army, Imam Ahmad Gragn killed
1543: Portugal, Japan - The Nanban trade period begins after Portuguese traders make contact with Japan
1544: France, Spain - Battle of Ceresole, French defeat an Imperial-Spanish army
1544: Scotland - Battle of the Shirts in Scotland, the Frasers and Macdonalds of Clan Ranald fight over a disputed chiefship, reportedly, 5 Frasers and 8 Macdonalds survive
1546: Italy - Michelangelo Buonarroti is made chief architect of St. Peters Basilica
1547: Russia - Grand Prince Ivan the Terrible is crowned tsar of (All)Russia, thenceforth becoming the first Russian tsar
1547: Spain, Italy, Hungary - Battle of Muhlberg, Emperor Charles V decisively dismantles the Schmalkaldic League
1548: China, Japan - The Ming Dynasty government of China Issues a decree banning all foreign trade and closes down all seaports along the coast, these Hai jin laws came during the Wokou wars with Japanese pirates
1548: Japan - Battle of Uedahara, firearms are used for the first time on the battlefield in Japan, and Takeda Shingen is defeated by Murakami Yoshikiyo
1549: El Salvador, Brazil - Tome de Souza establishes Salvador in Bahia, northeast of Brazil
1550-1551: Spain, Americas - Valladolid debate concerning the existence of souls in AmerIndians
1550: Mongolia, China - Mongols led by Altan Khan Invade China and besiege Beijing
1551: England - Fifth outbreak of sweating sickness in England, John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease
1551: Malta, Libya - North African pirates enslave the entire population of the Maltese Island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya
1552: Russia, Bulgaria - Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan
1553: England - Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England
1554: Brazil - Portuguese missionaries Jose de Anchieta and Manuel da Nobrega establishes Sao Paulo, southeast Brazil
1555: England, Russia - The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company
1556-1605: India - During his reign, Akbar expands the Mughal Empire in a series of conquests
1556: China - The Shaanxi Earthquake in China is the deadliest known earthquake in history
1556: Germany - Georgius Agricola of Germany, the "Father of Mineralogy", publishes his De re metallica
1556: India - Mir Chakar Khan Rind captured Delhi with Emperor Humayun
1556: India - Second Battle of Panipat, Akbar the Great defeats the Sultan of Bengal
1556: Italy - Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman Inquisition
1556: Italy - Publication in Venice of Delle Navigiationi et Viaggi (terzo volume) by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, secretary of Council of Ten, with plan La Terra de Hochelaga, an Illustration of Indian village Hochelaga
1556: Russia - Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate
1557: Portugal, China - The Portuguese settle in Macau in China
1557: Spain - Spain became the first sovereign nation in history to declare bankruptcy, Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596
1557: Turkey, Ethiopia - The Ottomans capture Massawa, all but Isolating Ethiopia from the rest of the world
1558-1583: Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Russia - Livonian War between Poland, Grand Principality of Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark and Russia
1558-1603: England - The Elizabethan era is considered the height of the English Renaissance
1558: England, France - After 200 years, the Kingdom of England loses Calais to France
1558: England - Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25
1559: Italy - With the Peace of Cateau Cambresis, the Italian Wars conclude
1560: Hungary - Erzsebet Bathory is born in Nyirbator, Hungary
1560: Japan - By winning the Battle of Okehazama, Oda Nobunaga becomes one of the pre-eminent warlords of Japan
1560: Turkey, Spain - Battle of Djerba, Ottoman navy defeats the Spanish fleet
1561: western Europe - Guido de Bres draws up the Belgic Confession of Protestant faith
1562-1598: France - French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots
1562: France - Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars of Religion
1562: India - Mughal leader Akbar reconciles the Muslim and Hindu factions by marrying into the powerful Rajput Hindu caste
1563: England - Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England, in London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease
1564: England - William Shakespeare baptized 26 April
1564: Italy - Galileo Galilei born on February 15
1565: Bazil - Estacio de Sa establishes Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
1565: India - Battle of Talikota fought between the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar and the Deccan sultanates
1565: Israel, Turkey - Siege of Malta, Hospitallers defeat the Ottoman Empire
1565: Pakistan - Mir Chakar Khan Rind dies at age of 97
1566–1648:: Spain, Netherlands - Eighty Years War between Spain and the Netherlands
1567: England, Scotland - Mary, Queen of Scots, is Imprisoned by Elizabeth I
1568-1570: Russia, Turkey - Russo-Turkish War (first of ten over the next 310 years), Russian victory, they were victorious in eight of the ten wars
1568-1571: Spain - Morisco Revolt in Spain
1568-1600: Japan - The Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan
1569: England - Rising of the North in England, also called the Revolt of the Northern Earls, and, Northern Rebellion, It is an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic noblemen from northern England to depose Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots
1569: Poland, Lithuiana - The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is created with the Union of Lublin, It lasts until 1795
1570: Russia - Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) orders the massacre of Inhabitants of Novgorod
1571: Italy, Turkey - Battle of Lepanto )off Greece), The Holy League destroys the Ottoman Empire navy in a five-hour battle
1571: Italy, Turkey - Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks
1571: Ukraine, Russia - Crimean Tatars (or Tartars) attack and sack Moscow, burning everything but the Kremlin
1571: United States - Spanish missionaries are murdered by Indians at the later Jamestown Settlement, Virginia
1572: France - Catherine de Medici Instigates the St. Bartholomew Day massacre which takes the lives of Protestant leader Gaspard de Coligny and thousands of Huguenots, the violence spreads from Paris to other cities and the countryside
1572: Peru - Spanish conquistadores apprehend the last Inca leader Tupak Amaru at Vilcabamba, Peru, and execute him in Cuzco
1572: Portugal - First edition of the epic The Lusiads of Luis Vaz de Camoes, three years after the Portugese author returns from the East
1572: Spain, Netherlands, Austria - Brielle is taken from the House of Habsburg (also called the House of Austria) Spain by Protestant Watergeuzen in the Capture of Brielle during the Eighty Years War
1573: Spain, Netherlands - Siege of Haarlem, after heavy losses on both sides, the Spanish gain a victory
1574: Netherlands, Spain - After a siege of four months the Siege of Leiden ends in a comprehensive Dutch victory
1574: Spain, Netherlands - In the Eighty Years War the capital of Zeeland, Middelburg declares for the Protestants
1575: Japan - Oda Nobunaga finally captures Nagashima fortress in Japan
1576: Spain, Netherlands - Sack of Antwerp by badly paid Spanish soldiers
1577-1580: globe - Francis Drake circles the world
1578: Netherlands, Spain - Battle of Alcazarquivir, King Sebastian of Portugal is killed
1579: Netherlands, Spain - The Union of Arras unifies the southern Netherlands, a foundation for the later states of the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands and Belgium
1579: Netherlands - The Union of Utrecht unifies the northern Netherlands, a foundation for the later Dutch Republic
1580: Netherlands, Spain - Royal reception after his attacks on Spanish possessions, influences Philip II of Spain to build up the Spanish Armada, English ships in Spanish harbours are Impounded
1580: Spain, Portugal - Spain unifies with Portugal under Philip II, the struggle for the throne of Portugal ends the Portuguese Empire, the Spanish and Portuguese crowns are united for 60 years, ie until 1640
1582: Italy - Pope Gregory XIII Issues the Gregorian calendar, It took several centuries before being adoped by most all non-Catholic countries but It is still in use world wide today
1582: Russia - Yermak Timofeyevich conquers the Siberia Khanate on behalf of the Stroganovs
1584-1585: Netherlands - After the Siege of Antwerp, many of Its merchants flee to Amsterdam
1585-1604: Spain, New World - The Anglo-Spanish War is fought on both sides of the Atlantic
1585: United States - in Roanoke, Virginia, the first English colony in America, is born the first white baby, Virginia Dare
1587: England - Queen Elizabeth authorizes the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, for allegedly plotting against her
1588: England, Spain - England (with help from the weather) defeats the Spanish Armada
1589: Spain, England - Spain repulses the English Armada
1590: United States - Roanoke, Virginia "disappears", becoming "The Lost Colony"
1591: Morocco, Mali - In Mali, Moroccan forces of the Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur led by Judar Pasha defeat the Songhai Empire at the Battle of Tondibi
1591: Poland, Russia - Gazi Giray leads a huge Tatar/Tartar expedition against Moscow