Name Info
1644 MA to 1682-1734 MA
1644 MA to 1682-1734 MA
Search.........Person PAF-ID.........09002943 Gender.........female Status.........deceased Age............38y 0m 0d Last-Marital...married Fam-Group......MOORE Fam-ID.........THOMPSON Citizenship....US born |
#Marriages.....1 #Divorces......0 #Sources.......6 #Events........1 #Images:.......5 #Comments......1 #Siblings......0 #Children......13 |
Person-Type....A Immigrant? Immig-Known? Parent?........mother Spouse?........wife Sibling?.......sister Child?.........daughter Adopted?....... |
Title(s)....... Ancestor.......ancestor RelatedToMe.... Gen-#..........12 Ahn-#.......... Religion....... PoliticParty... Ht/Wt/Eye/Hair. Burial......... |
Parents and Siblings
- Parent: JOHN THOMPSON, male, born:1619 ?England, died:1685 (66y 0m 0d) ?Massachusetts, Anc:1, #M:1
- Parent: SARAH WOODMAN, female, born:1620 ?England, died:1644-1710 (24y 0m 0d) ?Massachusetts, Anc:1, #M:1
Spouse(s) and Children
- Marriage: 1666-11-28 Medfield, Norfolk county, Massachusetts
- Spouse: SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, male, born:1643-01-04 Braintree, Norfolk county, Massachusetts, died:1713-07-29 (70y 6m 25d) Milford, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, Dad:WILLIAM HAYWARD, Mom:MARGERY KNIGHT, #Cmnts:1
- ..Child: William HAYWARD, male, born:1667-10-06 ?Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1728-1757 (60y 2m 26d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Mehitabel HAYWARD, female, born:1669 ?Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1692-1759 (23y 0m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Mary HAYWARD, female, born:1671 ?Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1691-1761 (20y 0m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Huldah HAYWARD, female, born:1673 ?Massachusetts, died:1693-1763 (20y 0m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Sarah HAYWARD, female, born:1677-10-29 ?Braintree, Norfolk county, Massachusetts, died:1697-1767 (19y 2m 3d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Hannah HAYWARD, female, born:1680-08-18 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1746 (65y 4m 14d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: MARGERY HAYWARD, female, born:1682-11-09 , died:1717-1772 (34y 1m 23d) Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON, #Cmnts:1
- ..Child: Deborah HAYWARD, female, born:1683 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1703-1773 (20y 0m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Samuel HAYWARD, male, born:1684-02-07 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1708-05-16 (24y 3m 9d) ?Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Jonathan HAYWARD, male, born:1686-10-10 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1731-1776 (44y 2m 22d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Experience HAYWARD, female, born:1688-03-01 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1688-1778 (0y 10m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Benjamin HAYWARD, male, born:1689-02-14 Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1733-1779 (43y 10m 18d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
- ..Child: Bethia HAYWARD, female, born:1691 ?Mendon, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1711-1781 (20y 0m 0d) , Dad:SAMUEL\JONATHAN HAYWARD, Mom:MEHITABEL THOMPSON
Birth: 1644 y0m0d, Massachusetts">Massachusetts
Married: 1666-11-28, Age:22y10m27d, Role:bride
Death: 1682-1734, Age:38y0m0d
Birth: 1644 y0m0d, Massachusetts">Massachusetts
Married: 1666-11-28, Age:22y10m27d, Role:bride
Death: 1682-1734, Age:38y0m0d
I__1166 - Torrey's Marriages Book with Samuel Howard [Hayward] and Mehitable T[h]om[p]son
M__0348 - Family Information of Mehitabel Thompson
M__0349 - Family Information of Mehitabel Thompson
Z__0030 - Map of Counties of Massachusetts
Z__0047 - Map of Massachusetts Worcester county
I__1166 - Torrey's Marriages Book with Samuel Howard [Hayward] and Mehitable T[h]om[p]son
M__0348 - Family Information of Mehitabel Thompson
M__0349 - Family Information of Mehitabel Thompson
Z__0030 - Map of Counties of Massachusetts
Z__0047 - Map of Massachusetts Worcester county
Book Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts, 1989
Book Ancestry of Col. John H. Stevens, Mary Lovering Holman, 1948
Book George Aldrich Genealogy 1605-1971, Alvin J. Aldrich, 1971
Book William Hayward of Mendon, Paul D. Hayward, n.d.
I__1166__ image
Book Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts, 1989
Book Ancestry of Col. John H. Stevens, Mary Lovering Holman, 1948
Book George Aldrich Genealogy 1605-1971, Alvin J. Aldrich, 1971
Book William Hayward of Mendon, Paul D. Hayward, n.d.
I__1166__ image
Data Issues
Died before Child Born
Died before Child Born
Need Info
1644-1674: Mauritania - The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War
1644: China - The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming Dynasty, the subsequent Qing Dynasty rules until 1912
1644: Italy - Giovanni Battista Pamphili is elected Pope Innocent X at the Papal conclave of 1644
1645-1669: Turkey, Italy - Ottoman war with Venice, the Ottomans Invade Crete and capture Canea
1645: Japan - The death of Miyamoto Musashi, legendary Japanese Samurai warrior of natural causes
1647-1652: Spain - The Great Plague of Seville
1647: Turkey - Seven-year-old Mehmed IV becomes Ottoman sultan
1648-1653: France - Fronde civil war in France
1648-1667: Poland, Lithuania - The Deluge wars leave Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in ruins
1648-1669: Turkey, Italy - The Ottomans capture Crete from the Venetians after the Siege of Candia
1648: Spain, Italy - The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War and the Eighty Years War and marks the ends of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire as major European powers
1649-1653: Ireland - The Cromwellian conquest of Ireland
1650: United States - An estimated 40,000 people are living in the American Colonies
1652: England, Netherlands - Anglo-Dutch Wars begin
1652: South Africa - Cape Town founded by the Dutch East India Company in South Africa
1654-1661: Turkey, Albania - Mehmed Koprulu is Grand Vizier
1655-1661: Sweden - The Northern Wars cement the rise of Sweden as a Great Power
1658: India - After his father Shah Jahan completes the Taj Mahal, his son Aurangzeb deposes him as ruler of the Mughal Empire
1660: England - Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge founded
1660: England - The Commonwealth of England ends and the monarchy is brought back during the English Restoration
1661: China - The reign of the Kangxi Emperor of China begins
1661: India - Mehmed Koprulu dies and is succeeded by his son Ahmed
1662: France - Jacques Aymar-Vernay, who later reintroduced Dowsing into popular use in Europe, is born
1663: France - France takes full political and military control over Its colonial possessions in New France, microscope of Hooke discovers cells
1663: Turkey, Austria-Hungary - Ottoman war against Habsburg Hungary
1664: England - Forestry book by John Evelyn called Sylva is published in England
1664: Hungary, Turkey - Battle of St. Gotthard (first of two), count Raimondo Montecuccoli defeats the Ottomans, the Peace of Vasvar is Intended to keep the peace for twenty years
1664: United States - British troops capture New Amsterdam and rename It New York
1665: England - The Great Plague of London (aka. Bubonic Plague, Black Death) kills 70,000 people
1665: Portugal, Congo - Portugal defeats the Kongo Empire
1666: England - The Great Fire of London burns most of the city
1667-1668: France, Netherlands - The War of Devolutionm France Invades the Netherlands, the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1668) brings this to a halt
1667-1699: Turkey - The Great Turkish War halts the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into Europe
1668: Spain, Portugal - Peace Treaty of Lisbon between Spain and Portugal recognizes Portugal as Independent country
1669: Turkey, Crete - The Ottomans capture Crete
1670: Canada - The Hudson Bay Company is founded in Canada
1672-1673: Turkey, Ukraine - Ottoman campaign to help the Ukrainian Cossacks, John Sobieski defeats the Ottomans at the second battle of Khotyn (1673)
1672-1676: Poland, Turkey - Polish-Ottoman War
1672-1678: France, Netherlands - Franco-Dutch War
1672: Belgium - Lynching of Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelis de Witt in the Hague, William III of Orange takes power
1672: Netherlands, France, England, Germany - Rampjaar in the Netherlands, combined attack by France, England and two German states on the Republic of the United Provinces
1674: England - The Treaty of Westminster ends the war between England and the Republic of the United Provinces
1674: India - Maratha Empire founded in India by Shivaji
1676-1681: Russia, Turkey - Russia and the Ottoman Empire fight the second (of ten) Russo-Turkish Wars, Turkish victory
1676: Poland, Turkey - The Treaty of Zurawno brings Polish-Ottoman hostilities to a halt
1676: Turkey - Kara Mustafa becomes Grand Vizier
1678: Netherlands, France - The Treaty of Nijmegen ends the hostilities between the Netherlands and France
1680: United States, Spain - The Pueblo Revolt drives the Spanish out of New Mexico until 1692
1681: Hungary - The Pasha of Buda supports rebellion led by Imre Thokoly in Hungary
1682-1683: Turkey - The Ottomans make camp at Adrianople
1682: Russia - Peter the Great becomes joint ruler of Russia (sole tsar in 1696)
1682: Turkey - Sultan Mehmed IV, advised by Kara Mustafa, decides to disregard the existing peace treaty with Leopold I, due to expire in 1684
1682: United States - La Salle explores the length of the Mississippi River and claims Louisiana for France
1644-1674: Mauritania - The Mauritanian Thirty-Year War
1644: China - The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming Dynasty, the subsequent Qing Dynasty rules until 1912
1644: Italy - Giovanni Battista Pamphili is elected Pope Innocent X at the Papal conclave of 1644
1645-1669: Turkey, Italy - Ottoman war with Venice, the Ottomans Invade Crete and capture Canea
1645: Japan - The death of Miyamoto Musashi, legendary Japanese Samurai warrior of natural causes
1647-1652: Spain - The Great Plague of Seville
1647: Turkey - Seven-year-old Mehmed IV becomes Ottoman sultan
1648-1653: France - Fronde civil war in France
1648-1667: Poland, Lithuania - The Deluge wars leave Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in ruins
1648-1669: Turkey, Italy - The Ottomans capture Crete from the Venetians after the Siege of Candia
1648: Spain, Italy - The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War and the Eighty Years War and marks the ends of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire as major European powers
1649-1653: Ireland - The Cromwellian conquest of Ireland
1650: United States - An estimated 40,000 people are living in the American Colonies
1652: England, Netherlands - Anglo-Dutch Wars begin
1652: South Africa - Cape Town founded by the Dutch East India Company in South Africa
1654-1661: Turkey, Albania - Mehmed Koprulu is Grand Vizier
1655-1661: Sweden - The Northern Wars cement the rise of Sweden as a Great Power
1658: India - After his father Shah Jahan completes the Taj Mahal, his son Aurangzeb deposes him as ruler of the Mughal Empire
1660: England - Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge founded
1660: England - The Commonwealth of England ends and the monarchy is brought back during the English Restoration
1661: China - The reign of the Kangxi Emperor of China begins
1661: India - Mehmed Koprulu dies and is succeeded by his son Ahmed
1662: France - Jacques Aymar-Vernay, who later reintroduced Dowsing into popular use in Europe, is born
1663: France - France takes full political and military control over Its colonial possessions in New France, microscope of Hooke discovers cells
1663: Turkey, Austria-Hungary - Ottoman war against Habsburg Hungary
1664: England - Forestry book by John Evelyn called Sylva is published in England
1664: Hungary, Turkey - Battle of St. Gotthard (first of two), count Raimondo Montecuccoli defeats the Ottomans, the Peace of Vasvar is Intended to keep the peace for twenty years
1664: United States - British troops capture New Amsterdam and rename It New York
1665: England - The Great Plague of London (aka. Bubonic Plague, Black Death) kills 70,000 people
1665: Portugal, Congo - Portugal defeats the Kongo Empire
1666: England - The Great Fire of London burns most of the city
1667-1668: France, Netherlands - The War of Devolutionm France Invades the Netherlands, the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1668) brings this to a halt
1667-1699: Turkey - The Great Turkish War halts the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into Europe
1668: Spain, Portugal - Peace Treaty of Lisbon between Spain and Portugal recognizes Portugal as Independent country
1669: Turkey, Crete - The Ottomans capture Crete
1670: Canada - The Hudson Bay Company is founded in Canada
1672-1673: Turkey, Ukraine - Ottoman campaign to help the Ukrainian Cossacks, John Sobieski defeats the Ottomans at the second battle of Khotyn (1673)
1672-1676: Poland, Turkey - Polish-Ottoman War
1672-1678: France, Netherlands - Franco-Dutch War
1672: Belgium - Lynching of Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelis de Witt in the Hague, William III of Orange takes power
1672: Netherlands, France, England, Germany - Rampjaar in the Netherlands, combined attack by France, England and two German states on the Republic of the United Provinces
1674: England - The Treaty of Westminster ends the war between England and the Republic of the United Provinces
1674: India - Maratha Empire founded in India by Shivaji
1676-1681: Russia, Turkey - Russia and the Ottoman Empire fight the second (of ten) Russo-Turkish Wars, Turkish victory
1676: Poland, Turkey - The Treaty of Zurawno brings Polish-Ottoman hostilities to a halt
1676: Turkey - Kara Mustafa becomes Grand Vizier
1678: Netherlands, France - The Treaty of Nijmegen ends the hostilities between the Netherlands and France
1680: United States, Spain - The Pueblo Revolt drives the Spanish out of New Mexico until 1692
1681: Hungary - The Pasha of Buda supports rebellion led by Imre Thokoly in Hungary
1682-1683: Turkey - The Ottomans make camp at Adrianople
1682: Russia - Peter the Great becomes joint ruler of Russia (sole tsar in 1696)
1682: Turkey - Sultan Mehmed IV, advised by Kara Mustafa, decides to disregard the existing peace treaty with Leopold I, due to expire in 1684
1682: United States - La Salle explores the length of the Mississippi River and claims Louisiana for France