Name Info

1729 MA to 1769-1819 ?MA


Age............39y 10m 14d
Citizenship....US born




Parents and Siblings
  1. Parent: JONATHAN HOUGHTON, male, born:1685-02-20 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1737-04-08 (52y 1m 19d) Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, Dad:JOHN HOUGHTON, Mom:MARY FARRAR, #M:1
  2. Parent: THANKFUL WHITE, female, born:1689-03-27 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1737-04-08 (48y 0m 12d) Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, Dad:JOSIAH WHITE, Mom:MARY RICE, #M:1
  3. Sibling: Thankful HOUGHTON, female, born:1714-03-03 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1734-1804 (19y 9m 29d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE, #M:1
  4. Sibling: Mary HOUGHTON, female, born:1715-09-15 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1735-1805 (19y 3m 17d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE, #M:1
  5. Sibling: Keziah HOUGHTON, female, born:1717-05-31 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1717-1807 (0y 7m 1d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE
  6. Sibling: Jonathan HOUGHTON, male, born:1719-03-28 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1739-1809 (19y 9m 4d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE, #M:1
  7. Sibling: Azibah\Sarah HOUGHTON, female, born:1720-11-20 , died:1740-1810 (19y 1m 12d) , Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE, #M:1
  8. Sibling: Pyrha HOUGHTON, unknown, born:1721-08-17 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1721-1811 (0y 4m 15d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE
  9. Sibling: Rufus HOUGHTON, male, born:1722-11-09 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1722-1812 (0y 1m 23d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE
  10. Sibling: Achra\Ashsa HOUGHTON, female, born:1725-01-16 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1725-1815 (0y 11m 16d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE
  11. Sibling: Ephah HOUGHTON, unknown, born:1727-06-26 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1729-09-27 (2y 3m 1d) ?Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE
  12. Sibling: Ephah HOUGHTON, unknown, born:1731-08-19 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1731-1821 (0y 4m 13d) ?Massachusetts, Dad:JONATHAN HOUGHTON, Mom:THANKFUL WHITE

Spouse(s) and Children
  1. Marriage: 1747-08-19 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts
  2. Spouse: SAMUEL MOORE, male, born:1732-07-02 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1812-02-18 (79y 7m 16d) Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, Anc:1, Dad:JOHN MOORE, Mom:SUSANNAH WILLARD, #Cmnts:1
  3. ..Child: Keziah MOORE, female, born:1748-03-15 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1769-1838 (20y 9m 17d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  4. ..Child: Abner MOORE, male, born:1750-05-07 Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1750-1840 (0y 7m 25d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  5. ..Child: Samuel MOORE, male, born:1752-07-03 ?Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1829-07-31 (77y 0m 28d) Dummerston, Windham county, Vermont, Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  6. ..Child: Abigail MOORE, female, born:1754-06-22 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1774-1844 (19y 6m 10d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  7. ..Child: Thankful MOORE, female, born:1757-02-19 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1777-1847 (19y 10m 13d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  8. ..Child: Susannah MOORE, female, born:1759-08-30 ?Lancaster, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1759-1849 (0y 4m 2d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  9. ..Child: RUFUS MOORE, male, born:1761-08-28 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1836-12-05 (75y 3m 7d) Dummerston, Windham county, Vermont, Anc:1, Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON, #Cmnts:2
  10. ..Child: Susannah MOORE, female, born:1763-03-17 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1763-1853 (0y 9m 15d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  11. ..Child: Achsah MOORE, female, born:1765-09-14 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1765-1855 (0y 3m 18d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  12. ..Child: Abel MOORE, male, born:1767-05-28 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1850-1857 (82y 7m 4d) Delaware, Delaware county, Ohio, Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON
  13. ..Child: Asa MOORE, male, born:1769-07-12 Bolton, Worcester county, Massachusetts, died:1850-1859 (80y 5m 20d) , Dad:SAMUEL MOORE, Mom:ZERISH HOUGHTON

Birth: 1729-02-18y0m0d
Married: 1747-08-19, Age:18y6m1d, Role:bride, Both Samuel and Zerish were residents of Bolton when they were married. Both Samuel and Zerish were residents of Bolton when they were married. Both Samuel and Zerish were residents of Bolton when they were married.
Death: 1769-1819, Age:39y10m14d, ?Massachusetts">Massachusetts

M__0009 - Family Record of Samuel and Zerish Moore
M__0078 - Marriage Notation of Samuel Moore and Zerish Houghton
M__0658 - Family Information of Zerish Houghton
Z__0030 - Map of Counties of Massachusetts
Z__0047 - Map of Massachusetts Worcester county


Book Descendants of John White 1638-1900, Almira. White, 1900
Book John Houghton of Lancaster Massachusetts, Burr and Gage, 1925
Book William Henry Moore and His Ancestry, L.E. Deforest, 1934
Samuel Moore Family record wife and mother, see #118, NO LONGER, ancestors and much more, NO LONGER,, parents, missing son

Need Info

1729-1735: England - Charles Wesley and John Wesley begin the Methodism in England
1730-1760: England, United States - First Great Awakening takes place in Great Britain and North America, it challenges the established clergy and leads to many new Protestant denominations, this contributes to the concept of religious tolerance
1730: Turkey - Mahmud I takes over Ottoman Empire after the Patrona Halil revolt, ending the Tulip period
1732-1734: Russia, Ukraine - Crimean Tatar/Tartar raids into Russia
1732: United States - George Washington is born in Virginia
1733-1738: Poland - War of the Polish Succession
1735-1739: Russia, Turkey - Russo-Turkish War (fifth of ten), Russian victory
1735-1799: China - The Qianlong Emperor of China oversaw a huge expansion in territory
1735: United States - John Adams is born in Boston
1736: China - Qing Dynasty Chinese court painters recreate the classic panoramic painting by Zhang Zeduan called Along the River During Qingming Festival
1736: Iran - Nader Shah assumed title of Shah of Persia and founded the Afsharid dynasty, ruled until his death in 1747
1736: United States - Patrick Henry born
1737: United States - Alexander Hamilton born
1737: United States - John Hancock born
1738-1756: Mali - Famine across the Sahel, half the population of Timbuktu (Mali) died
1738: Italy - Pope Clement XII Issues the Eminenti Apostolatus Specula prohibiting Catholics from becoming Freemasons
1739: England, Spain, Caribbean - Great Britain and Spain fight the War of Jenkins Ear in the Caribbean
1739: India - Battle of Karnal, Nader Shah defeats the Mughals and sacks Delhi
1740-1741: Ireland - Famine in Ireland killed ten per cent of the population
1740-1748: Austria - War of the Austrian Succession
1740: England, Spain, United States - British attempt to capture St. Augustine, Florida but lose to the Spanish during the Siege of St. Augustine
1740: Germany - Frederick the Great comes to power in Prussia
1741: Italy - Pope Benedict XIV Issues Immensa Pastorum principis against slavery
1741: Russia, United States - Russians began settling the Aleutian Islands
1741: United States - Benjamin Franklin invents the Franklin Stove, a very efficient stove that heats a house even after the fire extinguishes. Franklin chose to not patent his invention based on his belief that he instead should help others
1743: United States - Thomas Jefferson is born in Virginia
1744-1748: France, India - The First Carnatic War fought between the British, the French, the Marathas, and Mysore in India
1744: France - French attempt to restart the Jacobite rebellion fails
1744: Saudi Arabia - The First Saudi State is founded by Mohammed Ibn Saud
1745: England, Scotland - Second Jacobite Rebellion began by Charles Edward Stuart in Scotland
1745: United States - John Jay born
1747: Afghanistan - Ahmed Shah Durrani founded the Durrani Empire in modern day Afghanistan
1748-1754: England, France, India - The Second Carnatic War fought between the British, the French, the Marathas, and Mysore in India
1748: Austria - Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle ends the War of the Austrian Succession and First Carnatic War
1748: United States - Benjamin Franklin retires from the printing business to pursue scientific matters
1750: Europe - Peak of the Little Ice Age [first suggested in 1939, this has since been disputed after more detailed research] that lasts another one hundred years
1751: United States - Jamaes Madison born
1752: United States - Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity with his famous kite flying experiment which was done in secrecy at the time. Later that same year he invents the lightning rod, one of the most perfect inventions because it continues to do its job without maintenance. It is still being used today by every tall building in the world.
1753: United States, France, England - Major George Washington, age 21, delivers a message to the French from the English King asking the French to leave North American, the French politely refuse
1754-1763,: United States, France, England - The French and Indian War, Fought in the U.S. and Canada mostly between the French and French allies and the English and English allies, the North American chapter of the Seven Years War
1754: India - Treaty of Pondicherry ends Second Carnatic War (of three) and recognizes Muhammed Ali Khan Wallajah as Nawab of the Carnatic
1755-1763: Canada - The Great Upheaval, forced population transfer of the French Acadian population from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
1755: Portugal - The Lisbon earthquake
1756-1763: France, India - The Third Carnatic War fought between the British, the French, the Marathas, and Mysore in India
1756-1763: globe - Seven Years War fought among European powers in various theaters around the world
1757: India - Battle of Plassey signaled the beginning of formal British rule in India after years of commercial activity under the auspices of the East India Company
1758: England - British colonel James Wolfe Issues the Wolfe Manifesto
1758: United States - James Monroe born
1759: France, England - French commander Louis-Joseph de Montcalm and British commander James Wolfe die during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham
1760: England - George III became King of Britain
1760: Iran - Zand dynasty founded in Iran
1761: France, India - Battle of Panipat, France defeats Maratha Empire
1762-1796: Russia - Reign of Catherine the Great of Russia
1763: India - Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years War and Third Carnatic War
1763: Omdoa - Kingdom of Mysore conquers the Kingdom of Keladi
1765: United States, England - Stamp Act Introduced into the American colonies by the UK Parliament
1766-1799: India - Anglo-Mysore Wars
1767: Burma - Burmese conquered the Ayutthaya kingdom
1768-1774: Russia, Turkey - Russo-Turkish War (sixth of ten), Russian victory
1768: Nepal - Gurkhas conquered Nepal
1769-1770: New Zealand, Australia - James Cook explores and maps New Zealand and Australia
1769-1773: India - The Bengal famine of 1770 killed one third of the Bengal population
1769: United States - James Watt invents the steam engine, this begins the Industrial Revolution
1769: United States - Spanish missionaries established the first of twenty one missions in California